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Privacy Tech-Know blog: Thinking like a machine – The basics of artificial intelligence

Humans have long been captivated by the idea of machines that mimic natural life. Examples of automata – mechanical devices that move as if by their own power – date back centuries, through the middle ages and into Ancient Greece. Of course, any semblance of “intelligence” in these machines was an illusion; they were designed by their creators to do specific tasks and move in particular ways, though at times these could be quite elaborate.

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Privacy Tech-Know Blog: Secret Agent 101— Basics of Cryptography

Individuals and organizations have long had a need to protect secrets from prying eyes. One way in which we protect those secrets is through the use of cryptography, from the Greek kryptós, meaning "hidden” or “secret" and graphein, meaning "writing".  Early forms of cryptography were used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.

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