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Incoming Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne, appointed on June 27, 2022

June 27, 2022

Briefing package for the incoming Privacy Commissioner of Commissioner of Canada, Philippe Dufresne, appointed on June 27, 2022.

Table of Contents

Organizational Information

  1. Overview of the OPC and the Role of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
    1. Overview of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
    2. Legal Framework
    3. Things to Know as a Governor-in-Council Appointee and as an Employee
  2. Organizational Structure
    1. Executive Secretariat Profile and Responsibilities
    2. Legal Services Directorate
    3. Policy and Promotion Sector
    4. Compliance Sector
    5. Corporate Management Sector
  3. Corporate Information
    1. Delegated Authorities and Delegation Instruments
    2. Corporate Reports
    3. Strategic and Operational Plans and Programs
    4. Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Operational Planning Context
    5. Communications Calendar
    6. Public Accounts of Canada
    7. Key Initiatives
  4. Committees and Working Groups
    1. Commissioner-Chaired Committees
    2. Corporate Committees
    3. Consultative Committees and Groups
    4. Working-Level Committees and Groups

Operational Information

  1. OPC Priorities
    1. OPC Strategic Privacy Priorities
    2. Law Reform
    3. Privacy Act Extension Order, No. 3
    4. Proactive Activities
  2. Key Operational Files
    1. Key Operational Activities
    2. Key Issues Related to Privacy
    3. Investigations
    4. Litigation
  3. Partnerships and Collaboration
    1. International Partnerships
    2. Regional Associations of Data Protection Authorities
    3. Private Sector Partnerships
    4. Provincial and Territorial Partnerships
  4. Parliamentary Affairs
    1. What is an Agent of Parliament
    2. Overview of Legislation and Studies
    3. Annual Report to Parliament
    4. Parliamentary Affairs Role
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