Organizational Structure
The core responsibility of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is to protect and promote people’s fundamental right to privacy.
The Privacy Commissioner is the head of the organization. The OPC’s organizational structure is comprised of three sectors, each overseen by a Deputy Commissioner:
Privacy Commissioner
The Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Philippe Dufresne, is an independent Agent of Parliament and reports directly to Parliament.
The Deputy Commissioners of all three sectors report directly to the Privacy Commissioner.
The Commissioner is also supported by the OPC’s Executive Secretariat.
The Communications and Stakeholder Relations Directorate reports directly to the Privacy Commissioner. The directorate includes strategic communications, domestic and international relations, media relations, web, linguistic services, outreach and events, and more.
Legal Services and Policy Sector
The Legal Services and Policy Sector provides legal and policy advice and guidance in relation to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and Privacy Act compliance and in support of other operational activities across the OPC. Legal Services also represents the OPC in litigation matters before the courts and in negotiations with other parties.
Policy, Research and Parliamentary Affairs develops strategic policy positions on legislative bills, government policies, and private sector initiatives; supports the Commissioner’s appearances before Parliament; conducts research on emerging privacy issues; and manages the OPC Contributions Program. It is also the central hub for developing guidance for the public and private sectors.
The Sector also includes the OPC’s Access to Information and Privacy (ATIP) Program.
Compliance Promotion and Enforcement Sector
The Compliance Promotion and Enforcement Sector is responsible for compliance under both laws.
Its activities focus on proactive activities to promote compliance with the Privacy Act and PIPEDA using a variety of tools, including advisory engagements and outreach to organizations to inform them of their privacy obligations, as well as leveraging domestic and international partnerships.
It also undertakes several enforcement activities such as investigations, audits and compliance agreements, and monitors organizations’ compliance with recommendations and measures issued in the context of investigation reports and compliance agreements.
Finally, the sector oversees the intake, triage and assessment of complaints and the intake and assessment of breach reports under both laws.
Enabling Services Sector
The Enabling Services Sector provides advice and integrated administrative services related to human resources and people management, financial management, resource management, corporate planning, information management and technology analysis, digital transformation and service modernization, and general administration to managers and staff. It is also the central hub for the OPC’s business intelligence functions.
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