Language selection


Resources for teachers

Lesson plans for the classroom

Lessons about online privacy for students in grades 6 to 12

Gaming and personal information: playing with privacy

Information for teachers and teens on protecting personal information while gaming and what companies might collect and share

Privacy presentation packages

Slides and speaking notes for students in grades 4 to 12

Sexting fact sheet for teens

Information for teens regarding the privacy risks associated with sexting

How to stay safe when online gaming [video]

Privacy tips for youth on protecting personal information while playing online video games

Social Smarts: Nothing Personal!

New graphic novel for kids aged 8-10 that covers topics such as data collection, targeted advertising, cybersecurity and online gaming

Activity sheets for kids

Colouring, maze, puzzles, games

Topics to talk about

11 conversation topics to help better understand the privacy implications of technology, including online reputation, protection techniques, and sexting

Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet and you

Graphic novel for tweens and teens about privacy issues related to social networking, mobile devices, texting and online gaming

Protect your online reputation [video]

Tips and advice for teens on what to consider when posting information online

Privacy quiz

Questions to test online privacy knowledge

Five tips to protect your privacy online – printable poster

Classroom poster for students in grades 4 to 6

External resources and information

Other material for teachers, government, non-government, and international sources

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