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Federal Court decision  -  Published

...Privacy Act (Can.) (Re), 2001 SCC 89, affirming [2000] 3 F.C. 82 (C.A.) Privacy Act (Can.) (Re), affirming [2000] 3 F.C. 82 (C.A.) Privacy Act (Can.) (Re), 2001 SCC 89, affirming [2000] 3 F.C. 82... as the institution takes the objectives of the Privacy Act into consideration. Facts: Section 108...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...was not well founded.  Instead of applying to the Federal Court under s. 41 of the Privacy Act for an order... of the Privacy Act against SSHRC.  The Court concluded that the Applicant could bring an application... others on the basis of various sections of the Privacy Act.  The OPC informed the Applicant...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...of the Canada Labour Relations Board (“Board”) during a hearing are not subject to the Privacy Act as.... Some of the leading cases decided under the Privacy Act and under the closely related Access to Information Act (ATIA). Some of the leading cases decided under the Privacy Act and under the closely...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...of personal information in the Privacy Act – specifically, paragraph (b) of that definition. The only issue... is not covered by the exception to “personal information” in s. 3(j) of the Privacy Act... cases decided under the Privacy Act and under the closely related Access to Information Act (ATIA...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...the Privacy Act and the Access to Information Act – particularly, the interpretation of the term “personal information” in the Privacy Act. The term “personal information” in the Privacy Act...” in the Privacy Act. They divided, however, on the question of whether the sign-in logs fell into the exemption...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...requested various records under the Privacy Act containing his personal information. OCOL refused to disclose the interview notes of the investigators under s. 22(1)(b) of the Privacy Act on the grounds... a considerable part of its decision explaining the framework of both the Privacy Act and the Official...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...circumstances spelled out in the Privacy Act. The Privacy Commissioner plays a central role... could file complaints under the Privacy Act (after-the-fact) and challenge the disclosure in that... of the Supreme Court also discussed the architecture of the Privacy Act and Access to Information Act...

Federal Court decision  -  Published the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act. The Supreme Court of Canada concluded...” under the two Acts, and the records are also “personal information” under the Privacy Act... an “officer” for the purposes of s. 3(j) of the Privacy Act. On the first issue, the Supreme Court...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...: The Privacy Act does not prohibit the disclosure of an employee’s home addresses and telephone numbers... by the principles of the Privacy Act and the Government Security Policy.  The Board turned this agreement... who represents that employee is permitted under s. 8(2)(a) of the Privacy Act. Before providing home...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...under the Privacy Act, on a number of grounds. Facts: The applicant believed that at one time he was the target of a CSIS investigation. He therefore filed a Privacy Act request with CSIS. CSIS produced a number...) of the Privacy Act. CSIS also refused to confirm whether there was any personal information...

Showing items 961 through 970 of 1390.

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