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PIPEDA Executive Summary #2007-365  -  Published

...Privacy Commissioner of Canada v. SWIFT Executive Summary Executive Summary: Privacy Commissioner of Canada v. SWIFT Executive Summary: Privacy Commissioner of Canada v. SWIFT PIPEDA Executive... Telecommunication). After determining the extent to which it could get involved, the Privacy Commissioner...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...for fundamental reform of PIPEDA, Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. This page lists... from 2005 to the present. In November 2020, the government introduced Bill C-11, An Act to enact the Consumer Privacy Protection Act and the Personal Information and Data Protection Tribunal Act...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Are you a good digital citizen? Are you a good digital citizen? Blog Post Are you a good digital... message. The conference theme “Building a Culture of Responsibility: From Online Safety to Digital Citizenship” strongly resonates with us at the OPC. We see privacy, or the right to control one’s...

Settled case summary #24  -  Published

...that the company was not fully accountable under the Act, as it did not answer all of his privacy-related...Company revises privacy policy to clarify why it keeps personal information for a specific length of time, and designates privacy officer Settled Case summary #24: Company revises privacy policy...

Date of findings:
News release  -  Published mandated by Parliament to act as a guardian of privacy in Canada. The Commissioner enforces two laws for the protection of personal information: the Privacy Act, which applies to the federal public... with government. Poll results suggest both the public and private sectors have work to do...

Research project  -  Published

...Privacy report card for parental control solutions Privacy report card for parental control solutions Privacy report card for parental control solutions Research project Organization Concordia University Published 2020 Project Leader(s) Mohammad Mannan and Amr Youssef Summary The digital age...

Announcement  -  Published

...updates on the various international privacy working groups that it chairs or co-chairs, including the Global Privacy Assembly’s Digital Citizen and Consumer Working Group, its Data Protection and Other Rights and Freedoms Working Group, as well as the Global Privacy Enforcement Network. Twice each year...

Publication  -  Published be aware of the potential privacy risks of new digital communications technologies... about real-life situations to help young people learn to navigate online privacy risks... about some of the privacy concerns that can arise when using a mobile device. The graphic novel also covers...

Early resolved case summary #2017-001  -  Published

...Privacy obligations under PIPEDA apply to financial technology sector Early resolved case summary #2017-001: Privacy obligations under PIPEDA apply to financial technology sector Privacy obligations... to this emerging sector, and how the OPC’s early resolution process can play a role in effectively...

Date of findings:
Research project  -  Published

...and privacy Algorithms, AI, and awareness: conversations with young Canadians about artificial intelligence and privacy Algorithms, AI, and awareness: conversations with young Canadians about artificial intelligence and privacy Research project Organization MediaSmarts Published 2021 Project Leader(s...

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