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Publication  -  Published

...some of the digits, so as to conceal the credit card number from fraudsters. Newer payment-processing... credit card numbers and the related privacy benefits. ...Truncated Credit Card Numbers Truncated Credit Card Numbers - Why stores should print only partial...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

..., the Digital Privacy Act, will soon make reporting by private organizations a legal obligation... our work over the past year to pursue reform of the Privacy Act. After more than three decades, this law... including PIPEDA. We believe it should be included in the Privacy Act as well. In some cases, significant...


...Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet and you Canadian kids are digitally savvy and they value their privacy, but they can also be unsuspecting about the potential privacy risks of new digital communications technologies. The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has created...


...Privacy presentation packages Privacy presentation packages The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is committed to helping increase privacy awareness among young people, and supporting privacy education and digital literacy efforts. Based on discussions with teachers and students...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Printable information card: Help Protect Kids’ Online Privacy Information... to profit from personal information. It’s not easy growing up in a digital environment...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...that a search of an electronic device at the border is an extremely privacy intrusive procedure. Digital device... device passcodes when necessary Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act... under the Customs Act to examine material stored directly on digital devices under certain conditions...

Date of findings:
Publication  -  Published the Privacy Act for destroying, or altering, falsifying or concealing a record, as in the Access to Information Act. The term “publicly available information” should be defined in the Privacy Act, as..., etc. The Privacy Act, as it stands, is completely devoid of such a framework. To be effective, policy...


...Privacy laws in Canada Privacy laws in Canada Privacy laws Learn about the various laws in Canada that protect privacy, as well as the OPC’s role in overseeing PIPEDA and the Privacy Act. Businesses (PIPEDA), government (Privacy Act), provinces, sectors...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Best Practices For Digital Identity Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on International Privacy Best Practices For Digital Identity Letter... StreetOttawa, Ontario, K1A 0A6 Dear Mr Chair: Subject: International Privacy Best Practices For Digital...

Lesson plan  -  Published

...Kids' privacy sweep lesson plan Kids' privacy sweep lesson plan Lesson plan Level: Grades 7 and 8 Learning Objectives By conducting their own “privacy sweep” to examine the types of information... information” is in the context of privacy laws; Become aware of how and why websites and apps collect...

Showing items 81 through 90 of 1390.

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