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Research paper  -  Published

...Working Party, which includes representatives from European data protection offices, adopted an opinion...The Internet of Things The Internet of Things - An introduction to privacy issues with a focus on the retail and home environments The Internet of Things Research paper An introduction to privacy...

Research paper  -  Published

...on Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act in 2014-2015.  To be clear, no report structure...Transparency Reporting by Private Sector Companies Transparency Reporting by Private Sector Companies - Comparative Analysis Transparency Reporting by Private Sector Companies Research paper...

Incident Summary #7  -  Published

...Highway litter turns out to be customer data from company Incident Summary #7: Highway litter turns out to be customer data from company - July 23, 2015 Highway litter turns out to be customer data from company Incident Summary #7 Incident Summary #7 Incident A third party alerted our Office...

Date of findings:
Joint resolution  -  Published

..., private organizations and the health sector to work more collaboratively. As a result, organizations...Protecting and Promoting Canadians’ Privacy and Access Rights in Information Sharing Initiatives Protecting and Promoting Canadians’ Privacy and Access Rights in Information Sharing Initiatives...

Research paper  -  Published

...of, more pertinent and representative information about the individual. In an extreme exampleFootnote 12.... Under Canada's private sector privacy legislation, organizations must obtain the individual's consent... by private sector privacy laws. A word about kids Children and teens are particularly vulnerable...

Publication  -  Published overview of the role of our Office and Canada’s two federal privacy laws: the Privacy Act, which applies... The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada was established in 1983 following the passage of the Privacy Act, which governs... in the Privacy Act and PIPEDA through the conduct of independent audit and review activities...

Publication  -  Published

...Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Guidelines on privacy and online behavioural advertising Publication December..., it is nevertheless essential that online advertising practices respect an individual’s privacy rights and consent choices...

Publication  -  Published

...the federal private sector privacy law The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and is intended to outline the privacy obligations and responsibilities of private sector... of the Privacy Commissioner considers covert video surveillance to be an extremely privacy-invasive...

Publication  -  Published the Act. As well, personal information collected by a university or a hospital in the course of operating... of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. In several cases, health information protection acts and private sector acts may also apply. Here is additional information on relevant provincial legislation...

Publication  -  Published

...The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA, or the Act) provides that consent... of the collection, use or disclosure of the personal information to which they are consenting. While the Act... the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has consistently viewed personal information relating...

Showing items 871 through 880 of 1390.

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