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News release  -  Published

...also found that concerns about privacy have prompted Canadians to take some actions to protect... or organization. While the survey found that older Canadians were altogether more concerned about privacy...News release News release: Canadians less confident that their privacy rights are being respected...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2017-002  -  Published its Privacy Policy. In addition, we noted barriers encountered by certain users and in our own testing... to individuals about the software As noted above (see paragraph 26), we found that information... information. We noted a number of discrepancies in the information provided in the Policy. The Privacy...

Date of findings:
Published if you can’t find the information you’re looking for. Please note that we may take longer than usual to answer...Contact the Information Centre Contact the Information Centre Ask the OPC about a privacy concern.... --> Our Information Centre responds to requests from Canadians for information about privacy. Check...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Tech-Know Blog: Cookieless Identification and Tracking of Devices Privacy Tech-Know Blog: Cookieless Identification and Tracking of Devices Blog Post We are regularly told to block or ‘clear our cookies’, or use a private browsing mode, if we don’t want to be tracked as we visit websites...

Research project  -  Published

...Online Privacy: A Human-Centered Approach Online Privacy: A Human-Centered Approach... OPC Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium at the Rotman School of Management on March 10, 2017. Over 150 participants from diverse backgrounds (academia, government, non-profits, privacy professionals...

Speech  -  Published

...receipt at checkout. We found this practice to be a breach of privacy law, in part... an order requiring Facebook to correct its privacy practices in accordance with Canada’s federal private... neutral so that they can be nimble enough to stand the test of time. Canada’s private sector privacy...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
International Institute of Communications (IIC) Canada’s 19th Annual Communications Law & Policy Conference
Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Pop – Top 12 works of fiction Privacy Pop – Top 12 works of fiction Blog Post Themes of privacy, surveillance and identity feature prominently in many science fiction novels. In fact, others have compiled entire lists of privacy-themed sci-fi fiction. With so much choice, it was tough...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Tech-Know Blog: Let me virtually assist you Privacy Tech-Know Blog: Let me virtually assist you Blog Post The way we interact with our digital devices has evolved over time: from specific.... Virtual assistants (VAs) are the next step in this evolution, and they present new privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada in connection with Clause 47 of Bill C-15, the Budget Implementation Act, 2016, No. 1, and its compliance with Canada's federal privacy legislation. We hope that our written comments will assist... of the Privacy Act on the collection, use and disclosure of personal information would apply. The Bill...

Media Advisory  -  Published

...into Clearview AI that found the private sector platform was involved in mass surveillance. A separate...Media Advisory Media Advisory: Privacy Commissioner of Canada to appear before committee examining facial recognition technology Privacy Commissioner of Canada to appear before committee examining...

Showing items 851 through 860 of 2500.

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