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Publication  -  Published the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Australian Information Commissioner..., these do not represent the entire extent of possible harm. For instance, reputational harm to individuals... framework. In the digital economy, many organizations have a business model based primarily...

Published s. 17.1 of the Act; “Commissioner” means the Privacy Commissioner of Canada appointed pursuant to s. 53(1) of the Privacy Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. P-21 and his authorized representatives; “Parties... of the Act, as described in a report of findings issued jointly with the Australian Information Commissioner...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2015-015  -  Published sub-contractors who act for them in business transactions. For additional information on privacy and outsourcing, see “Fact Sheets: Privacy and Outsourcing (Private Sector)”. To formalize a sub-contractor’s...Roofing company takes measures to ensure sub-contractors follow its privacy policy PIPEDA Case...

Date of findings:
ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law. The OPC’s mission... that is excluded from the Act as a cabinet confidence. 72(1) Prepare annual report to Parliament. Privacy...2015-16 Annual Report to Parliament on the Privacy Act 2015-16 Annual Report to Parliament...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published

..., and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s private sector privacy law... to Information Act ATIP Annual report to Parliament July 2016 Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 30... The mandate of the OPC is to oversee compliance with both the Privacy Act (PA), which covers...

Publication  -  Published

...’ overall workplace well-being.   The following tips come from real-life examples of Privacy Act... to our Office about two departments monitoring her personal Facebook page. Under the Privacy Act... to the two departments’ work. The key lesson to take away from this case is that, under the Privacy...

Public opinion research paper  -  Published his work. Beyond PIPEDA and the Privacy Act the only pieces of legislation identified by name were CASL.... They devote limited time to privacy issues in their daily work activities and few have sought... with their responsibilities under Canada's privacy laws, participants routinely described the five principles...

Publication  -  Published

...(The Digital Privacy Act) received royal assent in June 2015 and that the amendments dealing with breach reporting... Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada's private sector privacy law... using a valid magnetic strip card, a four-digit PIN code and a hand-scan biometric: This represents...

Submission  -  Published

...S-4, the Digital Privacy Act, Commissioner Therrien emphasized the important role to be played... June 10, 2016 M. John Clare Director, Data Protection and Privacy Policy Directorate Innovation... to provide the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s (OPC) views on elements...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...consistent with the Privacy Act. That said, as with any proposed information sharing...Appearance before the Senate National Finance Committee on Bill C-15, An Act To Implement... Implementation Act 2016, No. 1) Appearance before the Senate National Finance Committee on Bill C-15...

Showing items 841 through 850 of 1390.

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