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Publication  -  Published their care. The Privacy Act sets out the rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal...Tips for raising your privacy concern with a federal government institution Tips for raising your privacy concern with a federal government institution Publication Federal government departments...

Publication  -  Published

...only according to strict rules that preserve their right to privacy. The Privacy Act sets out the privacy rights... and disposal of recorded personal information. The Privacy Act applies to the federal public sector... under the Privacy Act. What is personal information? The Privacy Act offers protections...

Publication  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), a complainant or the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC... of the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA).Footnote 1... regarding a matter about which a complaint was made to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Publication  -  Published

..., privacy laws in Canada give you a meaningful say in how your personal data is collected, used and disclosed. Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic...) or other identification numbers. What does PIPEDA say? PIPEDA requires private-sector organizations to collect...

Publication  -  Published

...Documents Act (PIPEDA). In B.C., Alberta and Quebec they are subject to provincial private sector privacy... Officers. For more information: Collection of Driver’s Licence Numbers Under Private Sector Privacy.... How do privacy laws apply to stores collecting driver’s licences? Retail outlets and other private...

Publication  -  Published

...payments work, and a description of their associated privacy risks. What are electronic and digital...Electronic and digital payments and privacy Electronic and digital payments and privacy Electronic.... What are some privacy issues you should know about electronic and digital payments? Electronic and digital payments...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2016-007  -  Published

...An organization's privacy policy and procedures must be implemented effectively PIPEDA Case Summary #2016-007: An organization's privacy policy and procedures must be implemented effectively An organization's privacy policy and procedures must be implemented effectively PIPEDA Case Summary...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published act as infomediaries to enable digital citizens the opportunity to delegate responsibility...Answering Digital Reputation Challenges by Addressing Incomplete Notice and Choice Privacy Policy... Privacy Policy - August 2016 Answering Digital Reputation Challenges by Addressing Incomplete Notice...

Submission  -  Published

...towards digital media, found that they do have very strong feelings about their privacy...Online Reputation and Youth: Helping a Vulnerable Population Secure Their Digital Future Submissions: Online Reputation and Youth: Helping a Vulnerable Population Secure Their Digital Future - August...

Submission  -  Published

...regarding privacy torts also point to the illegality of “publication of private facts... or another digital network, to provide a service primarily for the purpose of enabling acts... of Others: How Can Canada’s Privacy Regime Protect Victims of Online Shaming Businesses? Submission: Regulating Business...

Showing items 821 through 830 of 1390.

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