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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) This Report of Findings (the “Report... the requirements of section 4 of the Act, as the collection of this information is an integral part... of section 4 of the Act, as the collection is an integral part of an operating program of the CPC...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published U.S. Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) The complainant raised... under the Privacy Act. Background to Complaint This Office has previously raised concerns... the U.S. PATRIOT Act. We then asked theCRA for more specifics with respect to its mitigation of potential privacy...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...TV show raises numerous questions of consent Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (the “OPC”) received... Four is liable to the privacy obligations imposed on Force Four by private sector privacy...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) The complainant... whether a claimant is exluded from the definition of refugee – constitutes a consistent use under the Privacy Act... and constituted a consistent use under paragraph 8(2)(a) of the Privacy Act. During our investigation...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...– RCMP Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) The complainant... information holdings of government institutions subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act... Commissioner's Findings 2015-2016 under the Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) The complainant alleges that Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) contravened the provisions of the Act with respect... to balance the public and private interests of each party. Subsection 8(1) of the Act prohibits a government...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...: Privacy Act Complaint under the Privacy Act (the Act) Summary This report concerns our investigation.... Therefore, we have no further recommendations. Commissioner's Findings 2015-2016 under the Privacy Act... provisions of the Act when her medical information was disclosed by a PBC human resources employee...

Date of findings:
Audit  -  Published

...Review of the First Six Months of the Security of Canada Information Sharing Act Audit...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Study of the Privacy Act Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics about the study of the Privacy Act Advice to Parliament Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics about the study of the Privacy Act September 13, 2016 Mr...

Publication  -  Published

...Federal Court applications under the Privacy Act Federal Court applications under the Privacy Act Federal Court applications under the Privacy Act Publication September 2016 Under section 41 of the Privacy Act, an individual may request a hearing before the Federal Court of Canada only in relation...

Showing items 811 through 820 of 1390.

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