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Blog Post  -  Published

...Extracts from “The Reality of Privacy and Security in the 21st Century” Extracts from “The Reality of Privacy and Security in the 21st Century” Blog Post Remarks delivered to the Annual Conference... Bernier, Assistant Privacy Commissioner of Canada...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...remarks to a meeting of Access to Information and Privacy coordinators community have now been published...Commissioner discusses new challenges to privacy with the ATIP coordinators community Commissioner discusses new challenges to privacy with the ATIP coordinators community Commissioner discusses...


...beyond the author a document that contains notes and where the additional information is found in a later version... Access to Information and Privacy Process and Compliance Manual for the OPC Section 71... outside the National Capital Region. Prepared by The ATIP Unit April 2008 Acknowledgements The ATIP Unit...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Insights on Privacy - Privacy, Surveillance, and Public Safety Insights on Privacy - Privacy, Surveillance, and Public Safety Blog Post On June 23rd, 2011, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner is holding the fourth Insights on Privacy armchair discussion. We heard in April about opportunities...

Blog Post  -  Published

...PIPWatch: Privacy technology for Canadian Internet users PIPWatch: Privacy technology for Canadian Internet users Blog Post For many of us, reading the privacy policies of our favourite websites... is a web browser toolbar designed to help Canadian Internet users find out if their favourite websites comply...

Incident Summary #2  -  Published

...incident summary. Office of the Privacy Commissioner's Comments It was clear that the bank's privacy...CIBC's privacy practices failed in cases of misdirected faxes Incident Summary #2: CIBC's privacy practices failed in cases of misdirected faxes - April 18, 2005 CIBC's privacy practices failed...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...the Privacy Act is duly respected by the information sharing made possible by Bill C-51. We will also give...Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on the 2015 Main Estimates Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-31, the Economic Action Plan 2014 Act, No.1. As you are aware, this omnibus Bill seeks... reasons, with a politically exposed … person.” Of note is that Bill C-31 creates a new category... with respect to the PCMLTFA with which we do not, for the present, take issue. We note that Bill C-31 seeks...

Letter  -  Published

...on the reform of the Privacy Act and commented in detail on the shortcomings of the former Bill C-11... this remains a priority and that we will see a bill tabled soon in Parliament. Public sector and private... partnerships by establishing common or similar principles in both public and private sector privacy laws...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Awareness Week 2012: Privacy Resources for Young People Privacy Awareness Week 2012: Privacy Resources for Young People Blog Post Young people today are sophisticated users of the Internet... that these technologies can have on their privacy, and that they have the tools and information...

Showing items 791 through 800 of 2500.

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