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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Review of the Privacy Act - Revised recommendations Review of the Privacy Act - Revised recommendations Review of the Privacy Act - Revised recommendations Advice to Parliament November 1, 2016... that all information sharing under paragraphs 8(2)(a) and (f) of the Privacy Act  be governed by written agreements...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act reform Privacy Act reform Legislative reform Advice to Parliament The Privacy Act... the Privacy Act to ensure that the law adequately protects Canadians’ rights in an increasingly complex environment. On this page you will find documents the Office has prepared in relation to Privacy Act...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...on Review of the Privacy Act Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on the Study on Review of the Privacy Act - November 1, 2016 Appearance... for your invitation and decision to conduct this important study on the review of the Privacy Act...

Submission  -  Published

...Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Submission: Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Do You Consent?: Four Ways To Strengthen Digital Privacy Submission... Note: This submission was contributed by the author to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner...

Submission  -  Published the digital economy, which, in turn, can help drive economic growth and improve people's lives... and control and also describes Facebook’s privacy governance program, which works to identify and address...-leading privacy governance program that works to identify and address potential privacy issues...

Submission  -  Published

...towards notice. What incentives exist that motivate people to protect their digital privacy... assistance. Taxes are required by the government, digital privacy and reputation management...The Biggest Lie on the Internet: Ignoring the Privacy Policies and Terms of Service Policies...

Submission  -  Published

...policies that work across services; privacy by default and by design; better de-identification...Privacy Protection in the Era of “Big Data”: Response to Office of Privacy Commissioner’s Discussion Paper on “Consent and Privacy” Submission: Privacy Protection in the Era of “Big Data”: Response...

Submission  -  Published

...IAF Consultation Contribution: “Consent and Privacy” Submission: IAF Consultation Contribution: “Consent and Privacy” IAF Consultation Contribution: “Consent and Privacy” Submission The Information... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s Consultation on Consent under PIPEDA. Disclaimer...

Submission  -  Published

...A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture Submission: A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture A Proposal for Privacy Innovation in Canadian Law, Technology, and Corporate Culture Submission Waël Hassan, PhD...

Submission  -  Published

...Submissions to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Regarding Lawful Access and the Consent Model under PIPEDA Submissions to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Regarding Lawful Access and the Consent Model under PIPEDA Submission Lisa M. Austin...

Showing items 791 through 800 of 1390.

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