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Advice to Parliament  -  Published Canada’s federal Privacy Act to address key gaps. As I noted during my testimony...Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on study... and computers Letter to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics on study...


...on legislative bills, government policies and private sector initiatives supports the Commissioner’s... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is to protect and promote people’s fundamental right to privacy. The Privacy Commissioner is the head of the organization. The OPC’s organizational structure...

Publication  -  Published everything from names, addresses, credit card information for billing purposes, email and IP... your own privacy settings carefully. Because profiles are like online business cards, they are easily traded..., but still have personal information both online and with gaming corporations. Canada’s private sector privacy law...

Speech  -  Published

...Keynote remarks at the 26th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) Keynote remarks at the 26th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) Keynote remarks at the 26th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS) Speech March 8...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
26th Annual International Privacy & Security Summit
Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form Privacy Act Bulletin March 18, 2024 Privacy Act Bulletins are intended to offer lessons learned...


...and privacy best practices. Find out how we can work together to proactively identify and address... in the public interest under section 8(2)(m) of the Privacy Act and notifications of new consistent..., or notifications to our office For the hearing-impaired persons (TTY): 819-994-6591--> Find out...

Publication  -  Published

...sharing agreements, and notifications under s. 8(2)(m) and s. 9(4) of the Privacy Act conducting... responsible for section 10 of the Privacy Act. Tip: The OPC may comment publicly, including... or to the private sector The Privacy Act defines personal information as “information about an identifiable...


...Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Use the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) online submission... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). Federal public sector institutions must submit all approved PIAs to the OPC, as required...

Publication  -  Published

...that what they post on the Internet is not always private. Your kids should understand that once they post... to snap a photo and post it to the Internet, or to post a comment. But it can be nearly impossible to permanently delete that comment or photo once it’s posted, as it can then be downloaded or archived...

Publication  -  Published

...cabinet. Don’t post a password in plain sight or where someone might find it. Don’t use the “remember... yourself. Online, use strong passwords and privacy settings. Review all credit card and bank statements...Speaking Notes for a General Audience Speaking Notes for a General Audience Speaking Notes...

Showing items 71 through 80 of 2500.

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