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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...recommendations on how the law should be reformed. The state of privacy We are living in the fourth... almost complete freedom to set the rules by which they interact with their customers, and by allowing them to set the terms of their accountability. If we draw on the lessons of the last few years...

News release  -  Published

...News release News release: Tim Hortons app violated privacy laws in collection of ‘vast amounts’ of sensitive location data Tim Hortons app violated privacy laws in collection of ‘vast amounts’ of sensitive location data News release Tim Hortons app violated privacy laws in collection of ‘vast...

Speech  -  Published

...issues. Law enforcement and national security agencies need effective powers to use modern technologies... with the law. Right now in Canada we are about to finally see privacy law reform. It has been promised.... Some industry representatives exaggerate the benefits of current laws and what they see as harms...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
International Association of Privacy Professionals (<abbr>IAPP</abbr>) Canada Privacy Symposium 2022
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...concerning the following: Recommended legal framework for police use of facial recognition technology During the appearance, I undertook to provide the committee with a copy of our Recommended legal framework for police agencies... Privacy Commissioners on May 2, 2022. Our recommended framework sets out our views on changes needed...


...laws should also be updated concurrently. Background In its most recent consultation paper... within the scope of privacy law. This strikes the right balance. It would also protect... measures are science-based, necessary for a specific purpose, tailored to that purpose, and effective. Set...


...the OPC’s views on law reform, as set out in its 2018-2019 Annual Report to Parliament... its guidance on the use of FRT by police services across Canada. The guidance sets out the legal...: setting goals, exploring themes and reporting outcomes For each strategic priority, the OPC began...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Backgrounder: Legal opinion on constitutional validity of OPC proposed amendments to former Bill C-11 Backgrounder: Legal opinion on constitutional validity of OPC proposed amendments to former Bill C-11 Backgrounder May 4, 2022 The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) retained...

Statement  -  Published

...their privacy. It underscores how current privacy laws are so out of step with modern technological developments... that our laws will protect them. We agree with ETHI that this matter again underscores the urgent need to modernize our privacy laws. Amendments are required on many fronts, including...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Key recommendations for a new federal private sector privacy law Key recommendations for a new federal private sector privacy law Key recommendations for a new federal private sector privacy law Backgrounder The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) has developed a number...

News release  -  Published

...A new legal framework should therefore set appropriate limits on police use of facial recognition...News release News release: Privacy regulators call for legal framework limiting police use of facial recognition technology Privacy regulators call for legal framework limiting police...

Showing items 71 through 80 of 410.

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