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Video  -  Published

...are concerned about their privacy. Questions? Comments? Contact our Office at 1-800-282-1376. If you encounter...What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video: What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video July 2019 A short video...

Video  -  Published

...that’s clearly private, such as medical records, passwords or credit card numbers. [The images... circle turns into a solid yellow circle. The image of the three people flips over and a question mark..., then to asterisks representing a password and then to an image of a credit card with numbers on it...

Video  -  Published

...control over their personal information. You may have noticed that a lot of privacy policies... disappear and the logo of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner appears.] Questions? Comments? Contact... that this is just an overview of your responsibilities—the Privacy Guide for Businesses outlines each of the principles...


...guidance on how to comply with PIPEDA, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner (OPC) offers guidance... here to find information that will help you ensure you comply with PIPEDA. Find guidance and tips...

Poster  -  Published

...Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Poster This poster highlights a few tips for understanding and exercising privacy rights. The poster is downloadable so it can be reproduced. For best results, select...

Publication  -  Published

...—have private-sector privacy legislation that may apply instead of PIPEDA. How do I ask for my personal... if there is one (can often be found in a privacy policy in the footer of the organization’s website). Sample... Access requests to businesses Publication Overview Canada has two federal privacy laws—the Privacy...

Privacy Commissioner Alert  -  Published

...Privacy alerts are also posted on our website. ...Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Consider privacy implications when outsourcing...

Publication  -  Published

...Find out which privacy law applies Some provinces have legislation similar to PIPEDA that may apply to charities and other non-profit organizations. If you are unsure which privacy law applies... about your privacy issue tool on our website. To find contacts and links to privacy laws in Canada...

Announcement  -  Published

...In his remarks, he noted that the starting point for modernization should be to give the law... Commissioner shares views on legislative reform in keynote address Privacy Commissioner Daniel Therrien shared his perspectives on the how federal privacy legislation should be amended during a keynote address...

Speech  -  Published

...from the whether to the how Speech Remarks at the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) Canada... for more effective privacy laws are now coming from everywhere – even Mark Zuckerberg claims he likes..., Senator Sheila Finestone introduced in Parliament a bill titled the Privacy Rights Charter. A Charter...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2019

Showing items 711 through 720 of 2500.

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