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Public opinion research paper  -  Published the public and private sectors; and conduct research into privacy issues. Phoenix Strategic... and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. The OPC’s mandate... their privacy rights. In contrast, a significant minority of Canadians (45%) disagreed...

Speech  -  Published order requiring Facebook to correct its privacy practices in accordance with Canada’s federal private.... Children’s right to privacy This is especially true in the case of children, who are going online.... We can and must do more to protect the privacy of children, and this will be one of my key priorities in the year...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
International Institute of Communications (IIC) Canada’s 19th Annual Communications Law & Policy Conference
Speech  -  Published

...innovation means that it is not a zero-sum game between privacy rights and public and private... to children’s privacy and the best interests of the child. While we support the Consumer Privacy Protection..., such as using information to nudge children to turn off privacy controls, or for behavioural or targeted...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...and promotion of the privacy rights of Canadians in the public and private sectors. In our last Annual Report... departments and private sector organizations, reports publicly on compliance with privacy laws, and promotes... for law reform. The government took an important step toward modernizing the private-sector privacy...

News release  -  Published

...federal private sector privacy law are “a step in the right direction.... The Commissioner’s written submission on Bill C-27, the government’s proposed new private sector privacy... privacy and the best interests of the child. Limit organizations’ collection, use and disclosure...

Submission  -  Published their study of this important Bill that would modernize private sector privacy legislation. I look forward...; New provisions to help protect the privacy of minors; An expansion of personal information... of the child; Appropriate purposes; Administrative monetary penalties; and Disposal. Privacy...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...provides further details about each recommendation. Privacy as a fundamental right 1. Recognize privacy as a fundamental right. 2. Protect children’s privacy and the best interests of the child. 3. Limit organizations... of personal information even when a retention policy is in place. Privacy in support of the public interest...

Speech  -  Published, Canada’s federal public and private sector privacy laws need to be modernized to respond and adapt... about the right to privacy and grappled with how to define one’s right to protect their private life... of conflict – and these will be rare – between privacy rights and private or public interests, privacy...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
25th Annual Vancouver International Privacy & Security Summit (VIPSS)
Speech  -  Published

...and private sector privacy laws need to be modernized to respond and adapt to these societal.... In short, privacy is fundamental. It supports important public and private interests, and it builds.... This is certainly true in the case of children, who need even greater privacy safeguards. Those of us who are parents...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
Public Interest Advocacy Centre annual dinner
Departmental performance report  -  Published reform our out-of-date federal private sector privacy law. Bill C-27, the Digital Charter... of Canadians; enforce privacy obligations by federal government institutions and private-sector... parents can share with their children to help them protect their privacy online. The OPC website...

Showing items 61 through 70 of 515.

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