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Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...Video recording in the workplace at correctional institutions ESDC use of security camera footage for fact finding... as lessons drawn from that work. Commissioner Daniel Therrien noted during a news conference that privacy... also highlighted some key issues that all federal institutions should take note of. Issue 1 – Breach reporting...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

..., but only following an investigation and report of findings, or notice of discontinuance... for many years. Last year in this space, I noted how major investigations into Statistics Canada, Facebook... and called on parliamentarians to adopt rights-based privacy laws. We noted that privacy is a fundamental...

Blog Post  -  Published

...can take pictures or screenshots of what you post, and people can keep sharing it—with people... to help seniors stay safe online Blog Post Seniors are no different than most. They are on the Internet... and videos of you and those you care about.   We have the same message for everyone online...

Publication  -  Published

..., she also commented that she had been having issues with her debit card. On looking over the account notes, Telco D discovered that the representative’s earlier interaction with the caller... safeguards. Notes Footnote 1 Please see the OPC blog, The SIM card swap scam...

Video  -  Published

...When and how to notify people and organizations Video: When and how to notify people and organizations Video When and how to notify people and organizations...

Video  -  Published

...Submitting a breach report Video: Submitting a breach report Video Submitting a breach report...

Video  -  Published

...Obligations for reporting breaches Video: Obligations for reporting breaches Video Obligations for reporting breaches...

Video  -  Published

...Risks of significant harm Video: Risks of significant harm Video Risks of significant harm...

Video  -  Published

...Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video: Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video...

Showing items 61 through 70 of 361.

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