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Blog Post  -  Published

...OPC Hosts First Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium OPC Hosts First Pathways to Privacy Research Symposium Blog Post The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) will be hosting.... This Symposium is a great opportunity to discover privacy-related research funded by the OPC’s...

Publication  -  Published control what happens to it. You should always consider the impact that your comments or images... the privacy policies of the websites and apps..., tell them. Most organizations care about their customers’ privacy concerns. In many cases, an organization will quickly...

Announcement  -  Published

...has published a new Tech-Know blog post which continues our series on privacy-enhancing technologies. In a previous post, we discussed differential privacy and federated learning...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded — Lifting the veil...

Federal Court decision  -  Published

...requested various records under the Privacy Act containing his personal information. OCOL refused to disclose the interview notes of the investigators under s. 22(1)(b) of the Privacy Act on the grounds.... The Privacy Commissioner agreed that the personal information contained in the testimony of witnesses...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Tech-Know Blog: The actual privacy benefits of virtual private networks Privacy Tech-Know Blog: The actual privacy benefits of virtual private networks Blog Post Virtual Private Networks.... After connecting to the server, you could gain access to a private network that has work files...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Searching for Tech Geek with Privacy Chops Searching for Tech Geek with Privacy Chops Blog Post... to the public. You can find a detailed list of requirements at, but we can boil... hierarchies to the job – although we think you’ll find our Office less burdensome than most federal...

PIPEDA Report of Findings #2011-005  -  Published

...about a privacy issue. As such, the Office found that Facebook’s privacy complaint procedures... Privacy Settings. Facebook notes that if a second Facebook account is created and linked... that she continued to receive notifications via e-mail every time something was posted on her wall...

Date of findings:
Submission  -  Published

...Economy Consultation July 2010 We noted the many references to privacy in the consultation paper... private sector privacy law. PIPEDA applies to organizations that collect, use and disclose personal... of privacy rights and obligations through engagement with federal institutions and bodies, the private...

Publication  -  Published

...Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada's private sector privacy law. It requires... see Respond to a privacy breach at your business. It is important to note that S-4 (The Digital Privacy Act...) identify and authenticate individuals in a manner that balances the right to privacy and protection...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...It would be entirely possible for Bill C-51 to protect both security and privacy. In order... in reviewing how the provisions of this Bill will take effect, I wish to reiterate that the Privacy... by this Bill, and my other responsibilities under the Privacy Act and PIPEDA, my Office’s review...

Showing items 651 through 660 of 2500.

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