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Speech  -  Published

...contemplated privacy protection in the context of public-private partnerships, nor does it mandate app... right to privacy. Last year we saw some movement on both the public and private sector fronts... pass their own private-sector privacy laws – which in some cases are better than the federal...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
CIGI National Security Strategy Event Series
News release  -  Published

...Philippe Dufresne marked the beginning of Data Privacy Week with the launch of a Strategic Plan... compliance issues in the public and private sectors. 2. Addressing and advocating for privacy in this time... Privacy Week is marked globally each year during the last week of January to highlight the impact...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Fleischer on Google, Privacy and Consumer Fleischer on Google, Privacy and Consumer Blog Post We heard from Peter Fleischer, the Chief Privacy Officer for search company Google, on Friday. Speaking... and privacy from consumers and advocates in different countries and jurisdictions around the world...

Publication  -  Published integrate its findings in future work we undertake on video surveillance. The Office of the Privacy..., video surveillance of public spaces is increasing rapidly, by public sector authorities, private... a challenge to privacy, to freedom of movement and freedom of association, all rights we take for granted...


..., Profiling and Targeting Consultation notice: The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC... more about such industry practices, explore their privacy implications, and find out what privacy... more about such industry practices, explore their privacy implications, and find out what privacy...

Publication  -  Published

...Publication 1. Post contact info for your Privacy Officer on your website Every organization subject... to designate an individual who is accountable for its compliance with the Act (often called a Privacy Officer), and to make the identity of the Privacy Officer known on request. Contact information...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Insights on Privacy - Jesse Hirsh and Chris Soghoian on the Frontiers of the Privacy Landscape Insights on Privacy - Jesse Hirsh and Chris Soghoian on the Frontiers of the Privacy Landscape Blog Post The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) is holding the first armchair discussion...

Research paper  -  Published

...The officer in charge of the Integrated Riot Investigation team posted a note on the riot suspect... that no privacy settings exist to stop other people from posting personal information... however, privacy has taken on a multitude of definitions. To some it means the right to enjoy private...

ATIP Annual report to Parliament  -  Published

...access to information after 35(1)(b) notice. 36(3) Receive Privacy Commissioner’s report of findings... private sector privacy law. The OPC’s mission is to protect and promote the privacy rights of individuals... (public sector) and the PIPEDA Compliance Directorate (private sector). Privacy Act Compliance...

News release  -  Published

...over their personal information: poll Privacy Commissioner marks Privacy Awareness Week with release... out of 20. The results of the survey come as privacy champions across the country mark Privacy... private sector privacy law. - 30 - For more information, please contact: Office of the Privacy...

Showing items 631 through 640 of 2500.

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