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Communiqué  -  Published

...of personal information at a high level of data protection and privacy. We acknowledge the diversity... the rights and interests of individuals including their privacy. We note growing concerns at the global...Communiqué: G7 Data Protection and Privacy Authorities Communiqué: The G7 Data Protection...

Blog Post  -  Published

...OPC Unveils New Youth Privacy Tool OPC Unveils New Youth Privacy Tool Blog Post The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada is launching a new youth privacy tool that will help teachers and community leaders talk with younger Canadians about their privacy online. The tool launched today...


...Comment Form Comment Form - Summary of Issues for Feedback - 2010 Consumer Privacy Consultations - October 25, 2010 Comment Form Full Name: Address (optional): Telephone Number (optional): Email... how best to help individuals focus on privacy explanations that are provided to them. The OPC welcomes any comments...

Blog Post  -  Published

..."People don't care about privacy until it bites them." "People don't care about privacy until it bites them." Blog Post Understanding how we construct and manage our online reputations is crucial in our understanding of how people determine what to make public and what to keep private in online...

Blog Post  -  Published

...A flaw in Facebook’s new privacy controls A flaw in Facebook’s new privacy controls Blog Post This week, Facebook launched new privacy control upgrades and, for the most part, the news reports... Soghoian at Surveill@nce St@te points out a critical flaw in the new control settings, noting...

Publication  -  Published

...Find more information on how to Protect your Privacy Online. Protect Personal Information on Mobile... is to protect and promote your privacy rights. Explore our website to find many practical tips...Tips to help protect your privacy online Tips to help protect your privacy online Publication...

Speech  -  Published I end my term Speech Remarks at the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP... such as independent oversight and legal standards to protect privacy. Bills were eventually amended... the new private sector privacy law will again encourage us to do so. In the not too distant future...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
International Association of Privacy Professionals (<abbr>IAPP</abbr>) Canada Privacy Symposium 2022
Publication  -  Published

..., she also commented that she had been having issues with her debit card. On looking over the account notes, Telco D discovered that the representative’s earlier interaction with the caller... safeguards. Notes Footnote 1 Please see the OPC blog, The SIM card swap scam...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Instead, we have compared and contrasted some of the web/app features and privacy practices that we found... and contrasted some of the web/app features and privacy practices that we found... our post for privacy reasons. Awesome moderating decision master-builder Emmet! As you can see, the site...

International privacy sweep  -  Published

...Enforcement Network(GPEN) International Privacy Sweep. On this page, you will find links to information... launch first-ever international Internet Privacy Sweep Global Internet Sweep finds significant... Privacy Sweep - Questions and Answers Backgrounder Blog Post: Initial results from our Internet...

Showing items 611 through 620 of 2500.

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