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Publication  -  Published

...laws—the Privacy Act, which applies to federal government institutions, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which applies to many private-sector..., British Columbia, and Quebec—have private-sector privacy legislation that may apply instead of PIPEDA...


...Mobile devices and online services at work Mobile devices and online services at work Mobile devices and online services at work Protecting devices, Bring-Your-Own Device (BYOD), social networks...


...Social insurance numbers Social insurance numbers (SINs) Protecting, appropriate uses, investigation reports...

Privacy Commissioner Alert  -  Published

...There is nothing in the Privacy Act that prevents outsourcing. That being said, even if a federal institution employs... of its Privacy Act responsibilities. In addition to the Privacy Act, institutions must follow relevant Treasury...Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Consider privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Announcement June 27, 2019 Consider privacy implications when outsourcing functions to a third party Contracting...

Publication  -  Published

...Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) because they do not typically engage in commercial... is the most important consideration in determining if the Act applies to the organization. PIPEDA defines commercial activity as: "…any particular transaction, act or conduct or any regular course of conduct...

Speech  -  Published turn off their computers or to stop using social media, search engines or other digital services... – for both PIPEDA and the Privacy Act – finally seems to be on its way. In recent months...: physical privacy; freedom from surveillance; freedom from monitoring or interception of their private...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2019
Announcement  -  Published

...responding to Canadians’ concerns about privacy. The priorities, which help to guide the Office’s work...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner announces funding for independent research projects on privacy issues Privacy Commissioner announces funding for independent research projects...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner shares his views on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy Commissioner shares his views on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy Announcement May 28, 2019 Commissioner shares his views on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy Today, Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Daniel...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI) before the International Grand Committee on Big Data, Privacy and Democracy Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI) before the International Grand...

Showing items 601 through 610 of 1390.

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