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Video  -  Published

...respect privacy rights. [A third icon of a person appears, with symbols around it that represent...What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video: What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video July 2019 A short video...


...Online privacy Online privacy Cloud computing, social networking, spam, online advertising...

Publication  -  Published

...with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. The goal of this introduction is to offer you information on how to meet... to PIPEDA for your business Publication July 2019 Have questions about your privacy responsibilities...

Video  -  Published

...for under PIPEDA? Narrator: PIPEDA includes 10 fair information principles that all businesses subject to the Act... of a woman in business clothing talking on the phone. Ten icons representing the 10 fair information... that this is just an overview of your responsibilities—the Privacy Guide for Businesses outlines each of the principles...

Infographic  -  Published

...information before you buy. Choose strong privacy settings. Use a password. Turn off your devices...Wearable devices and your privacy infographic Wearable devices and your privacy infographic Wearable devices and your privacy Infographic This infographic offers tips to individuals on wearable...

Poster  -  Published

...Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Know your privacy rights – printable poster Poster This poster highlights a few tips for understanding and exercising privacy rights. The poster is downloadable so it can be reproduced. For best results, select...


...PIPEDA compliance help Compliance help The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has developed a number of resources to help businesses better understand their obligations under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), and how the Act applies...

Announcement  -  Published the Private Sector and Canada’s federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection...Announcement Announcement: Quebec, federal Privacy Commissioners investigate Desjardins breach Quebec, federal Privacy Commissioners investigate Desjardins breach Announcement July 8, 2019 Quebec...

Publication  -  Published

...Accessing your personal information Accessing your personal information Publication Canada’s two federal privacy laws—the Privacy Act, which applies to federal government institutions, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), which applies to many private...

Publication  -  Published

...has two federal privacy laws—the Privacy Act, which applies to federal government institutions... by the federal government The Privacy Act provides individuals... can I ask for? The Privacy Act defines “personal information” as any recorded information...

Showing items 591 through 600 of 1390.

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