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Publication  -  Published

...Design with privacy in mind: Five business best practices to avoid deceptive design Design with privacy in mind: Five business best practices to avoid deceptive design Design with privacy in mind... make it difficult for people to protect their privacy online. Integrating a privacy by design and privacy...


...Our third priority is about doing more to promote and protect the privacy rights of children... and appreciation of youth-related audiences, privacy risks, and issues Meaningful engagements and partnerships... Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. Since 2014 we also handle certain aspects...

News release  -  Published

...the need to protect the privacy rights of children during Data Privacy Week. Canada’s children and youth... and awareness of online pitfalls. “Children are particularly vulnerable to privacy risks in the digital... Privacy Week to help teach children the value of protecting their privacy, and develop the skills...

Publication  -  Published

..., and on privacy in general, visit our Privacy education for kids web page. Graphic novel discussion guide ... Social Smarts discussion guide Publication Social Smarts: Privacy, the Internet... people learn to navigate online privacy risks. This graphic novel explores how a brother and sister...

Research project  -  Published

...Strategies for Drafting Privacy Policies Kids Can Understand Strategies for Drafting Privacy... Privacy Policies Kids Can Understand Research project Organization University of Western Ontario... of privacy policies that children and teens can interpret accurately and with relative ease. Achieving...

Publication  -  Published

...reform Privacy and kids Privacy and society Privacy at work Privacy breaches Privacy impact... as the last Privacy Act update!" 15. Privacy and kids Privacy Cartoons: Privacy and kids...Privacy cartoons Privacy cartoons Privacy cartoons Publication Here at the OPC we take privacy...

Research project  -  Published

...personal data. Hacking Privacy Youth-run design jam tackles how to build a digital future that protects everyone’s privacy. Hacking Privacy Youth-run design jam tackles how to build...hide Real Results — Vol. 3 - Protecting Privacy Rights through Innovative Research Real Results...

News release  -  Published

...– Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne emphasized the importance of ensuring that children... that the processing of personal data should respect children’s privacy and the best interests of the child. This would encourage organizations to build privacy for children into their products and services by design...

Speech  -  Published

...How do we teach kids about privacy? Speech: How do we teach kids about privacy? - November 18, 2016 How do we teach kids about privacy? Speech Address given to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation... talking about current research and new developments in youth privacy. After that, I’m hoping...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Hayden
Canadian Teachers’ Federation Member Organizations’ Staff Meeting
Research project  -  Published

...How will this impact patient privacy? Growing up with AI: What are the privacy risks for children? AI... upon? Hacking Privacy Youth-run design jam tackles how to build a digital future that protects everyone’s...hide Real Results — Vol. 4 - Protecting Privacy Rights through Innovative Research Real Results...

Showing items 51 through 60 of 515.

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