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Internal audit  -  Published main text. The intent and details of the Program have been articulated in the Performance Measurement... rights and obligations. The logic tree then breaks the program down into three main stages... the three main stages illustrated in the logic tree. Stage 1: Summarizes the inputs, activities...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...the personal information of 583,000 student loan recipients. That same month, a USB key... could lead to identity theft or fraud. An OPC investigation into the disappearance of the USB key found weaknesses in the same four types of privacy management controls considered in the student loan...

Date of findings:
Special Report to Parliament - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Canada student loan borrowers, and 250 ESDC employees. Background On December 17, 2012, ESDC verbally... personal information dated from 2000-2006 for Canada Student Loan borrowers, including... subsequently informed our Office that the external hard drive also included student loan balance...

Date of findings:
Research paper  -  Published

...and media literacy with a primary focus on children and youth; supported by funding from CTV, Shaw, Bell... gamut of youth issues and privacy online is merely one of six major headings. Online privacy... resources are meant to be lead by adults (like parents and teachers) to educate the youth audience...

Research project  -  Published

...parent want to protect their children from potential harm, such as cyberbullying? Protecting kids... us, “you don’t have to invade your kids’ privacy, to protect your kids’ privacy.” Students “Uncritical” About Online.... More recently, it led to the creation of the Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre, a national Canadian...

Research paper  -  Published

...on the overarching privacy challenge posed by child and youth surveillance. Only surveillance taking place... for their children. This anonymity can lead to an increased sense of danger. It is common for parents... to their children. Parental fear has led to heavy surveillance and the belief that online spying...

Publication  -  Published

...along, we overhear the conversations of their fellow students, which seem to concern them; furthermore, everyone seems to be looking at them. Amy and Dave appear puzzled, their heads swiveling back and forth in confusion. STUDENT: Wow, sweet top Amy’s wearing! I’ve got the same one! STUDENT: I wonder if Dave’s...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...of children and youth – one of the reasons that we have made them a key focus of this report.... And there’s another good reason why our efforts to protect the personal information of children and youth... particularly active in 2011 in the area of children and youth, creating a wealth of new outreach...


...of the commercialization of children's virtual worlds, as well as discussions of the legal, ethical and policy dimensions of marketing to children online. Her current research examines emerging ethical and policy issues relating to user-generated content in digital games and kids’ cultural...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Is your child savvy online? Check out our 12 quick privacy tips for parents. Is your child savvy online? Check out our 12 quick privacy tips for parents. Blog Post It can be tough raising kids... tools they have to connect with friends and make new ones. Many kids, however, don’t fully...

Showing items 51 through 60 of 72.

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