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Research project  -  Published

...and wide-ranging study of children and teen’s Internet use in Canada. The research project, which tracks and investigates the behaviours, attitudes, and opinions of Canadian children and youth with respect.... Through this research MNet has harvested a wealth of information and insights about the privacy implications...


...Businesses that collect kids' information Businesses that collect kids' information Children Collecting from kids, related investigations...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...7,500 PIPEDA-related inquiries. Investigated hundreds of privacy complaints in the public and private... better protect personal information. Improving PIPEDA:A Review of our Private-Sector Privacy Law... has changed since a decade ago, when we began talking about what a private-sector privacy law...

Speech  -  Published

...about them and just won’t go away. Privacy, once protected by the sheer practical difficulty of finding or remembering things... of determining when privacy rights of an individual outweigh the public interest in accessing information... for balancing privacy interests of an individual with the public interest in having access to information...

Date delivered:
Address by Patricia Kosseim
Yukon Bench and Bar Seminar
Report to Parliament  -  Published

...legislation. That is not to say that either the private sector or public sector privacy laws fully protect... a troubling signal to private sector organizations trying to comply with privacy legislation..., to bind members of the private sector to secrecy for life with respect to methods of investigation...

Showing items 511 through 515 of 515.

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