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Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...only for ourselves, but for our children and grandchildren. And if privacy at large will be the defining issue...Privacy Commissioner's finding on video surveillance by RCMP in Kelowna Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act - October 4, 2001 Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Audit  -  Published

...: "The licensing and registration system is a reasonable and minor intrusion on personal privacy... privacy problems when the concept was first proposed; we made suggestions when the legislation...; to assess its compliance with the basic fair information principles as set out in the Privacy Act...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...the former government's privacy legislation as a private member's bill. The bill included specific... on the private sector. Inevitably, when you talk about privacy to people, they have a SIN story... of Persons with Disabilities November 26, 1998 Ottawa, Ontario Bruce Phillips Privacy Commissioner (Check...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...February 12, 1998 Ottawa, Ontario Bruce Phillips privacy Commissioner of Canada (Check Against Delivery) Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for this opportunity to discuss with you the privacy... members who have sat through earlier privacy commissioner submissions, I beg your indulgence...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Human Rights Human Rights Human Rights Advice to Parliament Appearance of the Privacy Commissioner... November 21, 1996 Ottawa, Ontario Bruce Phillips Privacy Commissioner of Canada (Check Against Delivery) Seven years ago, that talented academic, and now British Columbia's Information and Privacy...

Showing items 511 through 515 of 515.

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