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Publication  -  Published

...The facts of life for teens: Privacy and sexting Sexting fact sheet for teens Publication When it comes to privacy, the best approach for sexting is likely not to do it in the first place.... What is sexting? Sexting involves sending sexual messages and images to someone else by text or private...


...employees. Please note that the Privacy Act does not apply to political parties and political representatives. More information Find the right organization to contact about your privacy issue Summary... a privacy comment or concern with the OPC 4. Read the complaint form’s privacy statement When you fill out...

News release  -  Published

...done in compliance with privacy law, but highlights some key observations and important lessons learned from the privacy-related impacts of pandemic measures. “Our COVID-19 work found that the collection.... The OPC found that the government did not collect personal information and therefore, that the Privacy...

Audit  -  Published

...-of-address notification for subscriptions. Establish an Accuracy Policy Ensure that your privacy... difficult to ensure appropriate use and protection of personal information. Strong privacy governance and management within organizations are effective means of mitigating privacy risks and ensuring...

Media Alert  -  Published

...Media Alert Media Alert: Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s submission to Parliament on Bill C-51 - March 6, 2015 Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s submission to Parliament on Bill C-51 Media Alert Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s submission to Parliament on Bill C-51 GATINEAU, Quebec, March 6, 2015...

Interpretation bulletin  -  Published

...privacy complaints against organizations. The Commissioner’s findings will depend on the facts... of findings #2011-008 Daycare centre modified webcam monitory to increase privacy protection The level... of access request and privacy complaint questioned PIPEDA Case Summary #2009-008 Report of Findings...

Blog Post  -  Published

...official argues for balance between security and privacy Blog Post Over the past week, there has been considerable debate among privacy advocates about the comments made by a senior U.S. security official..., there has been considerable debate among privacy advocates about the comments made by a senior U.S. security...

Information card  -  Published

...Printable information card: 5 Ways to Safeguard Your Mobile Device Printable information card: 5 Ways to Safeguard Your Mobile Device Printable information card: 5 Ways to Safeguard Your Mobile Device Information card This information card highlights a few tips for protecting your mobile device...

Speech  -  Published

...of privacy law reform in Canada Speech Remarks at the IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2021 May 26, 2021... (ETHI) on Bill C-11, and recent submissions on Privacy Act and Access to Information Act reforms, my focus remains firmly on the future. I think it is clear that private sector privacy reform...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2021
Announcement  -  Published

...Day focuses attention on Canadians’ privacy rights As people around the world mark Data Privacy Day.... The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) recently launched a downloadable “Know your privacy rights!” poster that can be used by organizations to mark Data Privacy Day and also to highlight the importance of privacy protection...

Showing items 501 through 510 of 2500.

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