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Report  -  Published

..., a bill to amend New Zealand’s Privacy Act,Footnote 68 received royal assent, with amendments.... Quebec Quebec’s Bill 64Footnote 100 contains provisions that would specifically amend its private... The proposed system in Bill 64 (see Table III below) seems premised on a finding of equivalency...

Report  -  Published

...the protection of personal information in the private sector introduced in the bill. Return to footnote * ... decisions. Australia Australian Privacy Principle 8 governs cross-border data transfers. No. OAIC... Privacy Principle 8.2(a) – could be an enforceable privacy code or a set of binding corporate rules...

Report  -  Published

...The Quebec government, in its recent Bill to amend its public and private sector data protection laws... recommendations for how Bill C-11 could be enhanced to better protect privacy in the context... has also introduced provisions in its Bill 64Footnote 20 – legislation to amend both public and private sector...

Submission  -  Published

...Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 Submission May 2021 VIA EMAIL...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Backgrounder: Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Backgrounder: Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Backgrounder Text version of Figure 1 Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections   European Union(GDPR) United Kingdom...

News release  -  Published

...government’s proposed new private sector privacy law. In the submission, he notes, the bill is frequently...News release News release: Commissioner: Reform bill “a step back overall” for privacy Commissioner: Reform bill “a step back overall” for privacy News release Commissioner: Reform bill “a step back...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Despite our findings that Clearview's activities violated Canadian privacy laws, the company refused... sector, Bill C-11 would introduce the Consumer Privacy Protection Act.  In my view, that Bill.... Conversely, Bill C-11 maintains that privacy and commercial interests are competing interests...

Announcement  -  Published

..., Privacy and Ethics to discuss facial recognition technology. In his remarks, the Commissioner noted... under the government’s private sector legislative reform bill.  Clearview AI collected, used and disclosed... Commissioner shares views on Facial Recognition Technology with Parliament May 10, 2021 Privacy Commissioner...

Announcement  -  Published

...the 2021-22 Main Estimates. In his remarks, Daniel Therrien noted... the overall backlog of complaints by 91%. The Commissioner also noted that Bill C-11, the federal government’s proposed new private-sector privacy legislation, imposes several new responsibilities...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published private-sector privacy legislation. While the injection of funds helped us to reduce... organizations on their privacy management programs. It should be noted that these are non-discretionary... Appearance before the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics (ETHI...

Showing items 501 through 510 of 2500.

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