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Speech  -  Published

...the adoption of model preambles and purpose statements, one for each Act, as a means to entrench privacy..., the private sector legislation, will be amended first. Hopefully, the Privacy Act will follow shortly... and Electronic Documents Act (or PIPEDA) and the Privacy Act codify a set of rules...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
Federal Access to Information and Privacy community meeting
Publication  -  Published

...with the federal private sector privacy law, the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents... in the course of commercial activities. PIPEDA sets national standards for privacy practices in the private... have their own private-sector privacy laws that have been deemed substantially similar to PIPEDA...

News release  -  Published

...News release News release: Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications News release Privacy guardians issue joint statement on COVID-19 contact tracing applications GATINEAU, QC...

Statement  -  Published

...Supporting public health, building public trust: Privacy principles for contact tracing and similar apps Supporting public health, building public trust: Privacy principles for contact tracing and similar apps Supporting public health, building public trust: Privacy principles for contact tracing...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy Tech-Know blog: Videoconferencing – Maintain your physical distance, but keep your personal information close Privacy Tech-Know blog: Videoconferencing – Maintain your physical distance..., many of us have turned to videoconferencing services to help keep in touch with loved...

Publication  -  Published

...institutions, the Privacy Act and specific laws that govern their activities; for private-sector organizations...A Framework for the Government of Canada to Assess Privacy-Impactful Initiatives in Response to COVID-19 A Framework for the Government of Canada to Assess Privacy-Impactful Initiatives in Response...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...Message from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Message from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada Privacy Act Bulletin April 17, 2020 Privacy Act Bulletins are intended to offer lessons learned....   Daniel TherrienPrivacy Commissioner of Canada Sign up for future Privacy Act Bulletins by subscribing...

Announcement  -  Published Private sector organizations subject to federal privacy law as well as individuals...Announcement Announcement: Commissioner publishes framework to assess privacy-impactful initiatives in response to COVID-19 Commissioner publishes framework to assess privacy-impactful initiatives...

Announcement  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law, in the context... provides general guidance on applying the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling... The OPC is available to assist organizations subject to PIPEDA and the Privacy Act with questions...

Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...provides general guidance on applying the Privacy Act as well as Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law... on privacy and the COVID-19 outbreak Privacy Act Bulletin March 20, 2020 Privacy Act Bulletins....  While we cannot extend statutory deadlines under the Privacy Act, we will be flexible in our enforcement...

Showing items 501 through 510 of 1390.

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