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Speech  -  Published what you have to say about privacy and youth. I want to know what you have to say about: How can we better prepare our kids... how we can help educate youth on privacy, and that includes what you, as teachers... youth privacy and some of the research on that. I’ll discuss our outreach strategy...

Date delivered:
Address by Anne-Marie Cenaiko
Connect 2017
Publication  -  Published

...Privacy guidance on facial recognition for police agencies Privacy guidance on facial recognition for police agencies Privacy guidance on facial recognition for police agencies Publication Overview Facial recognition (FR) has emerged as a powerful technology that can pose serious risks to privacy...

International privacy sweep  -  Published

...opportunities to enhance access and privacy education and protections for children and youth.” In the context... (on the right) While Poki Kids is explicitly aimed at children, the privacy policy states... make most privacy decisions for children, research has shown that parents do not always have a good...

Research project  -  Published

...July 2021 Protecting Privacy Rightsthrough Innovative Research Hacking Privacy Youth-run design jam... dealing with privacy, and it varies in different contexts. We thought that as students...? “If there's no privacy, there's no freedom for youth to explore their identity, to connect...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...from the perspective of the privacy rights of children. Growing up in the digital age presents significant new challenges for the privacy of young people. As children and youth embrace new technologies... process in a way that will provide children and minors with the privacy protections...

Video  -  Published

...Video for Canadians: How to stay safe when online gaming Video for Canadians: How to stay safe when online gaming How to stay safe when online gaming [video] Video Privacy tips for youth on protecting personal information while playing online video games...

Submission  -  Published their study of this important Bill that would modernize private sector privacy legislation. I look forward...; New provisions to help protect the privacy of minors; An expansion of personal information... of the child; Appropriate purposes; Administrative monetary penalties; and Disposal. Privacy...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Insights on Privacy - Youth Privacy Insights on Privacy - Youth Privacy Blog Post Do youth care... to youth and how we can help youth preserve their privacy by promoting digital literacy skills. Kate... privacy, autonomy and social media for children.  She is the founder of PrivacyCampTO, Canada's...

Speech  -  Published

...innovation means that it is not a zero-sum game between privacy rights and public and private... to children’s privacy and the best interests of the child. While we support the Consumer Privacy Protection..., such as using information to nudge children to turn off privacy controls, or for behavioural or targeted...

Date delivered:
Address by Philippe Dufresne
IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium 2023
Research paper  -  Published

..." products for children (Nolan, Raynes-Goldie, & McBride, In Press). Yet, as Canadian youth privacy..., children and youth are still very much aware and concerned about social privacy issues...Youth Don't Care?: Reflecting on North American Youth Online Privacy Research Youth Don't Care...

Showing items 41 through 50 of 515.

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