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Special Report to Parliament - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Canada student loan borrowers, and 250 ESDC employees. Background On December 17, 2012, ESDC verbally... personal information dated from 2000-2006 for Canada Student Loan borrowers, including... subsequently informed our Office that the external hard drive also included student loan balance...

Date of findings:
Announcement  -  Published

...of Alberta, who led a team studying the privacy impacts of AI applications in healthcare. An interview with Noah Zon, a lead researcher with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Group), who looked at privacy risks for children given the scope and scale of data collected by AI from the systems...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...It is the chief mechanism by which individuals are able to express their autonomy and exercise control..., the most effective strategy may well be to teach children about privacy at an early age. We therefore urge... of PIPEDA requirements would lead to better compliance than would enforcement-related compliance. Civil...

Submission  -  Published

...we need to customize education for: First Nations, LGBTQ, high risk youth (e.g. kids leaving... to discuss these issues with their children, additions to the school curriculum, volunteer... for kids ages seven through 14/15. This program provides a multi-faceted experience for Canadian kids...


..., administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be a primary... children and youth the privacy protection outlined in Article 16. Article 13 guarantees a child’s freedom... on the definition of these terms. G7 DPAs, led by OPC, are developing a working paper...

Blog Post  -  Published

...of Guelph psychology grad student Emily] Christofides said. “Jealousy leads to increased surveillance... We might want to cut the kid some slack We might want to cut the kid some slack Blog Post... for talent, relative to firms that don’t spy. People my age tut-tut at kids, telling...


...can be used without consent, as it could lead to serious harms. Our privacy laws must ensure that an individual’s... in related to CBSA Primary Inspection Kiosks. We recommended the CBSA ensure meaningful consent... use: Proctortrack has been used by Canadian universities to monitor and verify the identities of students...


...for the Canada Student Service Grant and are investigating the complaints. RCMP and Project Wide Awake... and ESDC related to personal information collected for the Canada Student Service Grant...-marketing (January 2020) Joint guidance with the Chief Electoral Officer on guidance to political...

Research paper  -  Published

...concerns are often used to legitimize increasing levels of surveillance that stigmatize youth, leading...Summary of Research on Youth Online Privacy Summary of Research on Youth Online Privacy - March 2010 Summary of Research on Youth Online Privacy Research paper Valerie Steeves Commissioned...

Research project  -  Published

...parent want to protect their children from potential harm, such as cyberbullying? Protecting kids... us, “you don’t have to invade your kids’ privacy, to protect your kids’ privacy.” Students “Uncritical” About Online.... More recently, it led to the creation of the Canadian Identity Theft Support Centre, a national Canadian...

Showing items 41 through 50 of 72.

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