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...Transition Preparatory Work Lead Directorate: Director of Law Reform Transition Background In June 2021...Law Reform Law Reform Law Reform Privacy Act Reform Lead Directorate: Policy, Research and Parliamentary Affairs Directorate Background At the request of the Department of Justice (DOJ), the OPC...

Publication  -  Published

...Act. Scope While the broad scope of the legislation is welcome, section 7 sets... to issues regulations is so broad that it could dramatically reduce the scope of the proposed law... to "when required by law;" several of the uses set out in subsection 36(1)(c) such as resource allocation...

Lesson plan  -  Published

...laws have “quasi-constitutional status”, and that the values and rights set out in the Act... they use live up to those rights which federal, provincial and territorial laws and offices oversee privacy... come from? (Rights are guaranteed by the laws or constitutions of different nations. In Canada, your rights...


...Act Overview The Privacy Act is the law that sets out the privacy rights of individuals... Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. It sets... to certain exceptions – subsections 12-28. Further reading Summary of privacy laws in Canada The Privacy Act in brief...

Publication  -  Published businesses have under federal privacy law? My SIN may have been compromised... for Quebec residents: Hydro Québec is required by provincial law to collect a SIN for opening new accounts.... While this is not recommended, there is no law preventing private-sector organizations from asking for the SIN...


...of the private sector in police background checks. The project aims to generate a better understanding of the background check process and privacy considerations that should be taken into account...

Announcement  -  Published

...that explore a range of emerging privacy issues—police background checks, the use of genealogical...


...flows be set out explicitly and separately. Background PIPA currently does not expressly hold... with other international laws and help to maximize individual control over their personal information. Background... privacy laws. Background The OIPC currently has order-making powers under s.52 of PIPA...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...Backgrounder: Legal opinion on constitutional validity of OPC proposed amendments to former Bill C-11 Backgrounder: Legal opinion on constitutional validity of OPC proposed amendments to former Bill C-11 Backgrounder May 4, 2022 The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC) retained...

Publication  -  Published

...During a public health crisis, privacy laws still apply, but they are not a barrier... laws. In Canada, the management of public health crises is a matter involving close coordination... of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of the Northwest Territories While privacy laws include...

Showing items 41 through 50 of 410.

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