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Publication  -  Published

...Documents Act and Privacy Legislation in Canada. For reference material about the Proceeds of Crime... of Canada’s  Best Practices For The Use of Social Insurance Numbers In The Private Sector. For reference...) and Terrorist Financing Act. Privacy Commissioner of Canada’s PIPEDA Findings: PIPEDA Case Summary...

Settlements  -  Published

...constitutional privacy rights and must be presumed to have been enacted to comply with constitutional... could rarely if ever have reasonable expectations of privacy in their personal information held by private... or privacy aspects of PIPEDA do not further come into play.”Footnote 27 Even with supposed consent...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act reform Report to Parliament Extract from the Privacy Act Annual Reports to Parliament 2005-2006...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act Reform Report to Parliament Extract from the Annual Reports to Parliament on the Privacy Act 2004-2005...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act reform Report to Parliament Extract from the Privacy Act Annual Reports to Parliament 2006-2007...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Act reform Report to Parliament Extract from the Privacy Act Annual Reports to Parliament 2007-2008...


...Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. The mission... compliance with both the Privacy Act, which covers the personal information-handling practices... specified in Section 29 of the Privacy Act. This Act applies to personal information held by Government of Canada...

Lesson plan  -  Published

...a permanent "digital footprint" or "trail" and behaves accordingly uses media to communicate... to digital society. Privacy and Security: understands the benefits of sharing information online...Know the deal: The value of privacy Know the deal: The value of privacy Lesson plan LESSON PLAN...

Settlements  -  Published

...properly, in light of the contextual factors in play. The Privacy Commissioner adopts the facts...-constitutionalFootnote 11 code of informational privacy rights.Footnote 12 The Act contains restrictions similar... privacy are, then, fundamentally about much more than the private sensibilities of individual citizens...

Publication  -  Published

...when acting on behalf of clients, lawyers must also be aware of the privacy laws that may apply to the clients they represent, particularly in civil litigation. Privacy laws applicable to clients... lawyers. Nor does this handbook address other provincial private sector privacy laws that may apply...

Showing items 41 through 50 of 1390.

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