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...proposals that address privacy issues in the private sector or at the interface between the private... related to privacy and protection of personal information in the private sector. Priority 1... agencies, governments, and the private sector. Risks to privacy posed by such programs...

Published promoting privacy and the protection of personal information in the private sector. The OPC... translation proposals that address privacy issues in the private sector will be considered... enterprises Privacy work of international standards-setting bodies and impact on private sector privacy...


..., privacy guidelines for parents to use in discussions with children, education curriculum..., Canada’s private sector privacy law. Accordingly, only projects that are nationwide in scope... Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 1. Purpose of this Guide This guide is designed to help applicants prepare a project...


...Accordingly, only research and/or related knowledge translation proposals that address privacy issues in the private... to use in discussions with children, education curriculum for teachers to use in teaching students... Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s private sector privacy law...

Published use in discussions with children, education curriculum for teachers to use in teaching students, relevant... Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canada’s private sector privacy law. Accordingly, only projects... Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 1. Purpose of this Guide This guide is designed to help applicants prepare a project...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to the Senate Special Committee on the Anti-terrorism Act May 9, 2005 Jennifer Stoddart Privacy Commissioner of Canada I. Introduction Anti-terrorism and the right of privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...have been in private... The amendments enacted in the anti-terrorism legislation have added to the secrecy shrouding... in private; he commented as follows: ... the need for privacy during all sessions of a proceeding... for "satisfactory measures... to protect the privacy of Canadians and to ensure that private...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Privacy Commissioner. Many of the private-sector privacy protections that Canadians have come to cherish... committee appearances related to private- and public-sector privacy matters: 5 Other formal contacts with Parliamentarians or staff related to private- and public-sector privacy matters: 44 Formal briefs...

Research paper  -  Published

...because of the intimate and private activities taking place there; and informational privacy, involving... by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada as part of the Insights on Privacy Speaker Series July 2011 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed... those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Related video: Insights on Privacy: David Murakami Wood and Craig...

Research paper  -  Published

...that ought to be assigned to the Privacy Commissioner. Many felt that the views of private business... by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada August 2010 Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Other link...

Showing items 481 through 490 of 515.

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