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Statement  -  Published

...Statement from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada following the tabling of Bill C-51 Statement from the Privacy Commissioner of Canada following the tabling of Bill C-51 Statement GATINEAU, QC... will examine very carefully the proposals in Bill C-51.  I will share more detailed comments with MPs...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Social Networking and Privacy Social Networking and Privacy Blog Post Chatting, texting, blogging... a site and post your profile, find out if you can join a closed network, where only those with an email... of students. Most of us post information about ourselves to stay in touch with friends. We think about...

Announcement  -  Published in financial technology sections of budget bill Privacy Commissioner proposes amendments to address a lack of privacy protection in financial technology sections of budget bill Announcement... in financial technology sections of budget bill On May 25, 2018, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Daniel...

Blog Post  -  Published

...after Canada’s private sector privacy law came into full effect, our latest survey has found... do they face in protecting privacy? Let us know in the comments. Ten years after Canada’s private sector... Mind the gap: Poll finds many Canadian businesses believe privacy is important but not taking...

Publication  -  Published

...about an organization’s privacy practices — including privacy and security trust-marks... by the Privacy Commissioner of Canada and the Australian Information Commissioner and here is the Report of Findings. The Report offers lessons for all organizations subject to PIPEDA...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Privacy: Let’s see what they think! Blog Post We’re launching our fourth annual My Privacy & Me Video Contest, where students aged 12 to 18 show us what they have to say about privacy. To participate, we’re asking them to create their own video public service...

News Release  -  Published

..., but many still don’t have certain privacy basics in place, survey finds - April 28, 2016 Canadian businesses see privacy as important, but many still don’t have certain privacy basics in place, survey finds News Release... mandatory breach requirements. These were among the findings revealed in the Office of the Privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-23 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-23 Announcement May 29, 2017 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-23 Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the study of Bill C-49 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the study of Bill C-49 Announcement September 14, 2017 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the study of Bill C-49 Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-59 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-59 Announcement March 7, 2018 Privacy Commissioner submits his views for the review of Bill C-59 Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner...

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