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Blog Post  -  Published

...Aspirations of privacy Aspirations of privacy Blog Post Last week, researchers from Berkeley... when it comes to their privacy. Their study found many similarities between young and older Americans when it came to sensitivity about online privacy, bucking the conventional wisdom that “kids don’t care...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: OPC blog post: The actual privacy benefits of virtual private networks OPC blog post: The actual privacy benefits of virtual private networks Announcement February 10, 2017 OPC blog post: The actual privacy benefits of virtual private networks Virtual Private Networks...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...Indeed, Canada’s federal public and private sector privacy laws will need to be modernized..., 2022, which replaces an earlier attempt at private-sector privacy law reform that died... step toward a new law for the private sector and we have been carefully analyzing the bill...

News Release  -  Published

...News Release News Release: Concern for privacy has jumped, survey of Canadians finds - January 28, 2015 Concern for privacy has jumped, survey of Canadians finds News Release Concern for privacy... by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. The poll found that nine in 10 Canadians were concerned about privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...privacy law, investigation finds New Zealand company’s re-use of millions of Canadian Facebook user profiles violated privacy law, investigation finds Announcement July 18, 2018 New Zealand company’s re-use of millions of Canadian Facebook user profiles violated privacy law, investigation finds...

Audit  -  Published

...and other initiatives.  Marked weaknesses exist however in the implementation and monitoring of some of its key privacy... to find that the CRA would have established strong privacy leadership under the position of a CPO.... Many organizations in the public and private sectors have come to realize that strong privacy leadership...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. In the first year... that in clear cases of conflict with private and public interests, privacy should prevail.... It is not a zero-sum game between privacy rights and public and private interests; we can have both, and Canadians...


...Notice of Consultation and Call for Submissions Privacy Implications of Cloud Computing Privacy Implications of Cloud Computing - 2010 Consumer Privacy Consultations - January 14, 2010 Notice of Consultation and Call for Submissions Privacy Implications of Cloud Computing Consultation notice...


...Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Submit a Privacy Impact Assessment to the OPC Use the Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) online submission... to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada (OPC). Federal public sector institutions must submit all approved PIAs to the OPC, as required...

Op-ed  -  Published

...Op-ed Op-ed: Privacy Commissioner raises concerns about Bill C-51 - March 6, 2015 Privacy Commissioner raises concerns about Bill C-51 Op-ed March 6, 2015 The following is an op-ed on Privacy.... Privacy Commissioner raises concerns about Bill C-51 Daniel Therrien, Privacy Commissioner...

Showing items 461 through 470 of 2500.

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