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Blog Post  -  Published

...My Privacy & Me National Video Competition for young people! Participants from Encounters with Canada, a national youth forum that brings together teens from across Canada for week-long adventures... A Lesson in Privacy. She wins a $100 gift card and an iPod Touch. 2nd place: Kevin Saychareun...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Check out the seven finalist videos from our youth video contest! Check out the seven finalist videos from our youth video contest! Blog Post The deadline has passed, the videos are in and we have seven finalist videos from our 2008 My Privacy & Me National Video Competition for young people...

Blog Post  -  Published

...a suit against Sony claiming the company had violated children’s privacy rights. Last Wednesday, the FTC accused Sony of being in violation of the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, or COPPA, by collecting, maintaining and disclosing personal information of children under the age of 13...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...for a concern with privacy is an innate respect for personhood. Privacy is the ultimate minority... sector privacy law. (Our work related to private sector organizations is described in our annual... inquiries Investigated hundreds of privacy complaints in the public and private sectors Created a blog...

Audit  -  Published

...Privacy Audit of Canadian Passport Operations Privacy Audit of Canadian Passport Operations - December 2008 Privacy Audit of Canadian Passport Operations Audit Section 37 of the Privacy Act December... Canada (PPTC) is managing personal information in a way that protects the privacy of Canadians...


...; The privacy and security implications of cloud computing; Protecting the privacy of children and youth... Program 2009-2010 Applicant's Guide Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada 112...–Information technology Priority 4–Genetic privacy and biobanking Public education...

Blog Post  -  Published

...for protecting user privacy in the online environments they create for children. This resolution... for children and young people. In addition, the provincial Commissioners responsible for privacy are working...-Pacific countries held video contests for kids around the issue of privacy; Spain released a booklet...

Audit  -  Published

...difficult to ensure appropriate use and protection of personal information. Strong privacy governance and management within organizations are effective means of mitigating privacy risks and ensuring... views self-assessment by organizations as an efficient and effective means of promoting privacy...

Resolution  -  Published

...Resolution Children's Online Privacy - Resolution of Canada's Privacy Commissioners and Privacy Oversight Officials - June 4, 2008 Children's Online Privacy Resolution Children's Online Privacy..., Saskatchewan CONTEXT As a human being, every child has a right to privacy. The vast majority of Canadian...

Showing items 461 through 470 of 515.

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