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Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...their sense of loss of privacy in our increasingly digitized world. Most participants have come to... about who they see as being responsible for protecting privacy, in many cases participants felt that individuals play a key... moves around the world, it can end up in countries that have weak privacy protections or none at all...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...-identified and aggregated, it believed the activity did not engage the Privacy Act as it was not collecting... of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 (May 2021). Return... personal information. In today’s digital era, privacy protection cannot hinge on consent...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Transmittal of information by fax Transmittal of information by fax - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Transmittal of information by fax Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Although we discourage institutions from sending personal information by fax, we realize that they are used regularly...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act RCMP medical questionnaire too intrusive for civilian applicants Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview A woman was denied...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site - Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Correspondence to CRTC posted on Web site Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Overview An individual wrote to the Canadian Radio-television & Telecommunications Commission...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...of flagrant disrespect for the importance of its work, but potentially a breach of the Privacy Act... of the Privacy Act as stated in section 2 is “to extend the present laws of Canada that protect the privacy... of “government institution” informed by the Schedule to the Privacy Act, as...

Date of findings:
Privacy Act Bulletin  -  Published

...The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form The OPC’s new Privacy Impact Assessment online submission form Privacy Act Bulletin March 18, 2024 Privacy Act Bulletins are intended to offer lessons learned...

Publication  -  Published

...consent is an essential element of Canadian private sector privacy legislation. Under privacy laws... in the Private SectorFootnote 2. While all of these Acts are based on the same underlying principles... information. In recognition of this, private sector privacy legislation allows for consent...

Audit  -  Published

...Section 37 of the Privacy Act Final Report 2011... and ensures compliance with its obligations under the Privacy Act. Why this issue is important Tens..., and that it is managed in accordance with the fair information practices embodied in the Privacy Act...

Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...with the requirement of section 4 of the Privacy Act (“the Act”) as it related directly...: Privacy Act Complaints under the Privacy Act May 29, 2023 Description We examined... of non-compliance with section 11 of the Privacy Act. Though the principle of necessity and proportionality...

Showing items 451 through 460 of 1390.

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