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Blog Post  -  Published

...”? Blog Post Did you know it’s Privacy Awareness Week in the Asia Pacific Region? If you’ve got young people in your life, who you’re trying to impart the privacy-awareness message to, have them check out the three-minute video, featured on our YouTube channel, that the Asia Pacific Privacy...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...on the privacy and civil rights of ethnic and racial minorities. As we know, in Canada the arrest rate... Privacy Commissioner of Canada and Carman Baggaley, Strategic Privacy Advisor (Check against delivery) Good afternoon. My name is Chantal Bernier and I am an Assistant Privacy Commissioner...

International Conference  -  Published

...Access and Security (May 2000) Children's Privacy Safe Harbor Program Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act: Privacy...United States of America International Data and Privacy Commissioners: United States of America... Federal Trade Commission - Privacy Initiatives "Privacy Online: Fair Information Practices in the Electronic...

Research project  -  Published which children's privacy may be compromised online. The workshop underlines how important it is for kids...Kids for Sale: Online Privacy and Marketing Kids for Sale: Online Privacy and Marketing - Research Projects - Contributions Program 2008-2009 Kids for Sale: Online Privacy and Marketing Research...

Research paper  -  Published

...) and do not necessarily reflect those of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada. Note: This essay was contributed by the author to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada's Deep Packet Inspection Project... in 2000 from the previous one-sided regime. What’s more, the 2002 EU “Directive on Privacy...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Blog Post A year ago, we asked a law student at the University of Ottawa to examine the virtual world Second Life, and report on what implications this type of environment may have for personal privacy and the protection...

Publication  -  Published

...such as youth. In 2008, we asked students across the country to tell us why they thought protecting online privacy was important. We held a contest through our “youth privacy” website asking youth to make videos..., 2009. The contest was a great success, raising awareness among youth of privacy issues directly...

Research paper  -  Published

...Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds - April 2008 Second Life: Privacy in Virtual Worlds Research paper Janet Lo Law student, University of Ottawa... and avoid casual scrutiny. Private islands can be configured for “geographical privacy” so that residents...

Blog Post  -  Published

...that goes off each time you seem to compromise your privacy online, for example. All kidding aside, we figure... Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Time Inconsistency, Behavioural Economics and Privacy Blog Post A question that occupies a lot of our time in the office...

Audit  -  Published

...Privacy Management Frameworks of Selected Federal Institutions Privacy Management Frameworks of Selected Federal Institutions - February 2009 Privacy Management Frameworks of Selected Federal Institutions Audit Section 37 of the Privacy Act February 2009 Foreword Canadians and residents of Canada...

Showing items 451 through 460 of 515.

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