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Report to Parliament  -  Published

...and strengthen Bill C-27, which would update Canada’s private-sector privacy law, including... provided comments to the government’s Employment Equity Act Review Task Force, noting that privacy... Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law. Central to the work of this past...

Publication  -  Published

...that a customer who wishes to use a credit card to purchase goods or services is in fact the individual named on the credit card offered. They do this for fraud prevention purposes. Credit card fraud... need to take reasonable measures to reduce its occurrence. Verifying identity to prevent credit card fraud...

Publication  -  Published

...The Privacy Act in brief The Privacy Act in brief The Privacy Act in brief Publication Overview... and used only according to strict rules that preserve their right to privacy. See the Policy on Privacy Protection for more information. The Privacy Act is the law that sets out your privacy rights...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...Bill S-21, the Privacy Rights Charter Speech: Bill S-21 - September 20, 2001 Bill S-21, the Privacy... of Canada, George Radwanski, concerning Bill S-21, the Privacy Rights Charter, to the Standing Senate... and thrust of the privacy laws we have in Canada -the Privacy Act -and now the new private sector law...

Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Announcement: OPC blog post: Privacy New Year’s resolutions OPC blog post: Privacy New Year’s resolutions Announcement December 21, 2017 OPC blog post: Privacy New Year’s resolutions... our blog to find tips you could consider adding to your own list of resolutions to protect your privacy...

Statement  -  Published

...Statement Statement: Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2015-16 Annual Report to Parliament Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2015-16 Annual Report to Parliament Statement Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2015-16 Annual Report...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
2015-16 Annual Report to Parliament
Announcement  -  Published

...Announcement Privacy Commissioner of Canada posts updated guidance on direct-to-consumer genetic testing and privacy Privacy Commissioner of Canada posts updated guidance on direct-to-consumer genetic testing and privacy Announcement December 4, 2017 Privacy Commissioner of Canada posts updated...


...The investigations found Clearview AI violated Canada’s federal private sector privacy law by creating a databank...Strategic Privacy Priorities and the themes and observations that emerged: 2015-2022 Strategic Privacy Priorities and the themes and observations that emerged: 2015-2022 Summary of work...

Special Report to Parliament  -  Published

...of an investigation carried out under PIPEDA that found a breach of the private sector privacy law. In conducting...- and private-sector privacy laws. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the OPC has played an important role... to government and the private sector on a wide range of potentially privacy-intrusive proposals and initiatives...

Statement  -  Published

...Statement Statement: Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2017-18 Annual Report to Parliament Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2017-18 Annual Report to Parliament Statement Remarks by Privacy Commissioner of Canada regarding his 2017-18 Annual Report...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
2017-18 Annual Report to Parliament

Showing items 441 through 450 of 2500.

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