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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...for children’s rights in the digital environment, including through implementing privacy safeguards... around the use of biometrics, in particular facial recognition technology. Canada’s private-sector privacy law..., An Act to restrict young persons’ online access to sexually explicit material Appearance...

News release  -  Published

...News release News release: Federal, Provincial and Territorial Information and Privacy Commissioners and Ombudsman Issue Joint Resolution About Privacy and Access to Information Rights During and After a Pandemic Federal, Provincial and Territorial Information and Privacy Commissioners...

Joint Resolution  -  Published

...of Privacy: To appropriately address digital transformation, privacy laws must be interpreted...Reinforcing Privacy and Access to Information Rights During and After a Pandemic Reinforcing Privacy and Access to Information Rights During and After a Pandemic Joint Resolution Resolution...

News release  -  Published

...News release News release: Vaccine passports must meet highest level of privacy protection Vaccine passports must meet highest level of privacy protection News release Vaccine passports must meet highest level of privacy protection May 19, 2021 – Privacy should be front and centre as governments...

Joint statement  -  Published

...and other entities that are subject to private sector privacy laws and are considering some form of vaccine...Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Privacy and COVID-19 Vaccine Passports Joint statement Joint Statement by Federal, Provincial and Territorial Privacy...

Announcement  -  Published

...political parties noting that the federal private sector privacy law does not apply...Announcement Announcement: OPC responds to privacy complaint against three federal political parties OPC responds to privacy complaint against three federal political parties Announcement OPC...

Submission  -  Published

...of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter Implementation Act, 2020 Submission May 2021 VIA EMAIL... of the Committee Commissioner’s message Bill C-11, which enacts the Consumer Privacy Protection Act (CPPA...Submission of the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada on Bill C-11, the Digital Charter...

Backgrounder  -  Published

...: A discussion paper on the modernization of the Privacy Act (November 2020). ...Backgrounder: Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Backgrounder: Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Jurisdictional comparison: Privacy protections Backgrounder Text version...

News release  -  Published

...private sector privacy law would be “a step back overall” from the current law and needs significant changes if confidence in the digital economy is to be restored, the federal Privacy Commissioner... government’s proposed new private sector privacy law. In the submission, he notes, the bill is frequently...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...has the potential to be extremely privacy invasive. It can enable widespread surveillance, provide... sector, Bill C-11 would introduce the Consumer Privacy Protection Act.  In my view, that Bill.... The Department of Justice proposes adding a purpose clause to the Privacy Act that specifies...

Showing items 421 through 430 of 1390.

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