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Publication  -  Published

...and videos you want to post online—before you post them. Would you want a potential employer... or family, or tag them in images, it affects their privacy, too. When posting pictures that involve.... Posting pictures while overseas can let would-be burglars know exactly when you are not at home...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-388  -  Published

...Personal relationship between two employees triggers covert video surveillance by employer and raises consent issues Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-388: Personal relationship between two employees triggers covert video surveillance by employer and raises consent issues...

Date of findings:
Video  -  Published

...Privacy Commissioner Philippe Dufresne on the 2024 deceptive design privacy sweep Video: Privacy... Philippe Dufresne on the 2024 deceptive design privacy sweep Video In this short video, Privacy Commissioner of Canada Philippe Dufresne discusses the findings of a privacy sweep focused on deceptive...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387  -  Published

...Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387: Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation Television station improperly recorded employee telephone conversation PIPEDA Case Summary #2007-387...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...TV show raises numerous questions of consent Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act Complaint...”) regarding its participation in a television series entitled “Border Security: Canada’s Front Line” (the “TV Program.... The CBSA also noted our recommendation to conduct a PIA before pursuing a television show in the future...

Date of findings:
Video  -  Published

...What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video: What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? What kinds of concerns do people have about privacy? Video July 2019 A short video explains the concerns Canadians have about their privacy. This video complements our Safeguarding...

Video  -  Published

...What is personal information? Video: What is personal information? What is personal information? Video July 2019 A short video explains what types of information are considered personal information. This video complements our What is personal information content under the PIPEDA in Brief webpage...

Video  -  Published

...What is PIPEDA and does it apply to my business? Video: What is PIPEDA and does it apply to my business? What is PIPEDA and does it apply to my business? Video July 2019 A short video explains what PIPEDA is and whether it applies to your business. This video complements our PIPEDA in Brief webpage...

Published increasingly marked by texting, tweeting, posting on “walls”, updating statuses, and sharing pictures and videos widely and instantaneously. In this whirlwind of activity, it can be easy for people... them in pictures affects their privacy. That’s why it’s always a good idea to ask if it’s OK before you post...

Publication  -  Published

...cabinet. Don’t post a password in plain sight or where someone might find it. Don’t use the “remember...Speaking Notes for a General Audience Speaking Notes for a General Audience Speaking Notes... and services with cards, or even our phones. As we increasingly conduct our day-to-day lives online...

Showing items 31 through 40 of 361.

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