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...and Privacy Notices; and Video Interviews. Strategic considerations The OPC currently has no explicit... in May or June. Further reading Funding for privacy research and knowledge translation Briefing Note..., such as chambers of commerce, business development lenders, and other entities. Further reading Briefing Note...

News release  -  Published in the case of a trucking company that deployed continuous audio and video surveillance of its drivers.” In his message, Commissioner Dufresne welcomed the tabling in June of Bill C-27, the Digital Charter...

PIPEDA findings #2022-006  -  Published

...Investigation into Trimac’s use of an audio and video surveillance device in its truck cabins PIPEDA Findings #2022-006: Investigation into Trimac’s use of an audio and video surveillance device in its truck cabins Investigation into Trimac’s use of an audio and video surveillance device...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA findings #2021-008  -  Published

...Findings #2021-008: Transportation company's constant surveillance of drivers is more intrusive... than necessary PIPEDA findings #2021-008 PIPEDA Findings #2021-008 March 22, 2021 Complaint under the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (the “Act”) Report of findings Complaint...

Date of findings:
Public opinion research paper  -  Published

...As noted previously, the pandemic may be responsible for shifts in the survey data observed this year...-related issues. Purpose, objectives and use of findings To address its information needs, the OPC... to privacy protection. The findings will be used to help the OPC provide guidance to both individuals...

Publication  -  Published

...them with his son. On the list is written: “I will not film my dad in the shower. I will not post pictures...?” The student responds, “I’m you, Mr. Corbin, from that Mexico picture you posted on social media... information!" A man looks at a bill in his hand and says to his wife, "My auto insurance...

Internal audit  -  Published

...informants only had a few comments on desire. One noted that there is general agreement that youth privacy... initiatives. To note, at the same time that this evaluation was underway, the Government of Canada introduced new private-sector privacy legislation, Bill C-11, the Consumer Privacy Protection Act...

Blog Post  -  Published

...and speaking notes, for Grades 4-12 A Printable poster for Grades 4-6 Activity sheets, including a Snakes and Ladders game Videos focusing on online reputation, the risks of posting personal information... for students Blog Post The following article by our office was published in Education Canada magazine...

Speech  -  Published

...Portfolio’s (PSDI) Learning Day 2022 Speech Remarks at the Department of Justice Canada’s PSDI Annual Conference February 2, 2022, by video conference Speech delivered by Daniel TherrienPrivacy Commissioner... of some of the most sweeping state powers contained in Bills C-13 (which expanded collection powers...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
Department of Justice Canada’s <abbr title="Public Safety, Defence and Immigration">PSDI</abbr> Annual Conference
Blog Post  -  Published

...– comments, photos and information you post – can potentially be seen by thousands of people... Post Data Privacy Week is as good a time as any to sit down and have “the talk” with your kids... idea to allow only your friends to see your page, your posts, your photos and your applications...

Showing items 31 through 40 of 361.

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