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Publication  -  Published

...once it has been posted online; Make good choices about others’ privacy when using Internet-connected devices... the graphic novel and finding privacy concerns, have the students share what they found. Make sure... something she bought. Respect your friends’ privacy: Olive’s post made people think Angela was quitting...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Preliminary reaction from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to Bill C-30 Preliminary reaction from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada to Bill C-30 Blog Post Our Office... following the tabling of Bill C-30, the Office of the Privacy Commissioner recognizes the government...

Publication  -  Published

...Principles for responsible, trustworthy and privacy-protective generative AI technologies Principles for responsible, trustworthy and privacy-protective generative AI technologies Principles for responsible, trustworthy and privacy-protective generative AI technologies Publication December 7, 2023...

Publication  -  Published

...with customers’ privacy rights. This document outlines some basic information about Canada’s federal private... Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada’s federal private-sector privacy law... Privacy and the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act for customer...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. As was the case... and, with this report, the role of consent under the federal private sector privacy law. This report details... to specify four key elements that must be highlighted in privacy notices and explained...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-269  -  Published

...Employer hires private investigator to conduct video surveillance on employee Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-269: Employer hires private investigator to conduct video... means. The Assistant Privacy Commissioner noted at the outset that the Office of the Privacy...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Post Privacy and technology have a complex relationship. Often, the two are pitted...Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded – Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption Privacy Tech-Know blog: Computing while blindfolded – Lifting the veil on homomorphic encryption...

Blog Post  -  Published

...Public and private online spaces Public and private online spaces Blog Post One of the themes... and private lives online. As we note in our consultation report: with the prevalence of mobile... their private lives more public, and this is contributing to shifting expectations of privacy. In turn...

Publication  -  Published

..., especially if they have already declined. Make it easy to find your website or app’s privacy settings or information...Design with privacy in mind: Five business best practices to avoid deceptive design Design with privacy in mind: Five business best practices to avoid deceptive design Design with privacy in mind...

Publication  -  Published

...of national boundaries and the exercise of sovereignty. Some observers have noted... in the Privacy Act for destroying, or altering, falsifying or concealing a record, as in the Access... challenges posed by privacy management by both private and public organizations. Past a certain point...

Showing items 381 through 390 of 2500.

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