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Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Privacy in the workplace – practical tips for employers Blog Post Fostering a workplace culture of respect for employees’ privacy is good for business, because it contributes to morale...

Blog Post  -  Published June 2022 that would update Canada’s federal private sector privacy law. If passed, Bill C-27...Privacy Tech-Know blog: When what is old is new again – The reality of synthetic data Privacy Tech-Know blog: When what is old is new again – The reality of synthetic data Privacy Tech-Know blog...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2008-392  -  Published

...Individual objects to being photographed by private investigation firm Commissioner's Findings..., the finding concerned the use of a privacy-invasive technique in circumstances that demonstrated... to footnote 1 PIPEDA Report of Findings: Individual objects to being photographed by private...

Date of findings:
Blog Post  -  Published

...Privacy in Facebook apps — the risk of the SuperPoke Privacy in Facebook apps — the risk of the SuperPoke Blog Post The social networking site Facebook has been under scrutiny lately for lax... as well. Click’s experiment suggests that the concerns of privacy advocates (including...

Blog Post  -  Published

...information is safe? Blog Post On Data Privacy 2010 we’d like to take a moment to remind... that your customers’ name and address information (and in some cases credit card and billing information... about personal privacy and the importance of thinking about what you post on the Internet...

Publication  -  Published

...practices. Note: On June 18, 2015, the Digital Privacy Act received Royal Assent. The Act introduced...Privacy Guide for Businesses Privacy Guide for Businesses Privacy guide for businesses Publication The Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada has developed this guide; available in accessible...

Video  -  Published

...the logo for the Office of the Privacy Commissioner.] Questions? Comments? Contact our Office...Be privacy powerful: Check and adjust your privacy settings Video: Be privacy powerful: Check and adjust your privacy settings Be privacy powerful: Check and adjust your privacy settings Video...

Video  -  Published

...of the Privacy Commissioner.] Questions? Comments? Contact our Office at 1-800-282-1376. If you encounter...Be privacy powerful: Know how to access your personal information Video: Be privacy powerful: Know how to access your personal information Be privacy powerful: Know how to access your personal...

Publication  -  Published

...comments and postings on social media about workplace issues or that may otherwise reflect... and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) is Canada’s private sector privacy legislation. In the employment...Privacy and social media in the workplace Privacy and social media in the workplace Social media...

Information card  -  Published

...more about online privacy, visit Information card, individuals, protecting...Printable information card: 5 Tips for Protecting Yourself Online Printable information card: 5 Tips for Protecting Yourself Online Printable information card: 5 Tips for Protecting Yourself Online...

Showing items 371 through 380 of 2500.

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