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Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...? The bill should be clear; if we don't answer this now, the Privacy Commissioner will have to find...Bill C-54: The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Bill C-54: The Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act Bill C-54: The Personal Information Protection...

Blog Post  -  Published street art and graffiti, the Street Ghosts project brings life-sized pictures of people found on Google... Privacy Pop - Privacy in art Privacy Pop - Privacy in art Blog Post Surveillance, identity, social... to shield the wearer from being detected and recognized by surveillance technologies. He was compelled...

Published and provocative voices doing interesting work in the field of privacy. Videos of the events are posted on our YouTube channel. We also commissioned papers from the speakers to hear what they believed to be the most pressing privacy issues from their points of view. Note: The opinions expressed...

Speech  -  Published

...– of the targeted ads we saw provided notice of OBA and opt-out options. That being said, we found... - September 24, 2015 Building trust through privacy protection Speech Remarks at a Canadian Marketing... and does stakeholder relations with organizations based in the GTA. My remarks today will begin...

Date delivered:
Address by Daniel Therrien
Canadian Marketing Association Breakfast Seminar
Video  -  Published

...Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video: Introduction: How should I respond to a privacy breach? Video...

Video  -  Published

...Risks of significant harm Video: Risks of significant harm Video Risks of significant harm...

Video  -  Published

...Obligations for reporting breaches Video: Obligations for reporting breaches Video Obligations for reporting breaches...

Video  -  Published

...Submitting a breach report Video: Submitting a breach report Video Submitting a breach report...

Video  -  Published

...When and how to notify people and organizations Video: When and how to notify people and organizations Video When and how to notify people and organizations...

Showing items 351 through 360 of 361.

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