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PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-264  -  Published

...Video cameras and swipe cards in the workplace Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-264: Video cameras and swipe cards in the workplace Video cameras and swipe cards in the workplace...: perimeter fencing and gates; digital video cameras; and swipe card access. When employees swipe their cards...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-265  -  Published

...Video cameras in the workplace Commissioner's Findings - PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-265: Video cameras in the workplace Video cameras in the workplace PIPEDA Case Summary #2004-265 PIPEDA Case Summary... the circulation and exchange of information." The Assistant Commissioner commented that the use of video...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-131  -  Published

...posted near the camera informing individuals that their activities are being broadcast on television..., by means of a video camera that it had installed outside of its office, and then broadcasting this information on its local television channel and Web site. Summary of Investigation The cable company...

Date of findings:
Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...card with biometric identifiers; and the government support of police video surveillance of public..., how we pay for our tickets, even including our credit card numbers, what seats we select on the plane... from our travel patterns. Bill C-17, the Public Safety Act, will introduce a requirement that we, in effect...

PIPEDA Case Summary #2003-114  -  Published

...on the digital video recording system, the Commissioner also took the opportunity to comment... that the digital video recording cameras recently installed at a company yard could collect the personal.... While acknowledging that the system provided poor picture resolution and was not trained on areas...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-107  -  Published

...acknowledged that it did in fact call the complainant's supervisor after receiving notice of his complaint... that it is possible for the image of a driver to be collected during the video recording of the arrival... information would be unintentional and incidental to the purpose of the video recording...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2002-53  -  Published

...suspect. Summary of Investigation While paying a bill at a bank where she did not have an account... to have detected the lack of synchronization between the two clocks. A week after the original article, Crime.... She was also anxious to know whether her photographs had appeared in any other Crime Stoppers notice...

Date of findings:
Commissioner's Findings: Privacy Act  -  Published

...of the Privacy Act. The complaint is well founded. I note in passing that in finding this sort of video...Privacy Commissioner's finding on video surveillance by RCMP in Kelowna Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act - October 4, 2001 Letter of Finding on video surveillance - Privacy Act...

Date of findings:
Letter of finding  -  Published Centurion Security Services. In his decision, Radwanksi held that both live video pictures and recorded video pictures of individuals qualify as "personal information" under the Act, and as such... of finding regarding the video surveillance issue...

Date of findings:
PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-1  -  Published

...Video surveillance activities in a public place PIPEDA Case Summary #2001-1: Video surveillance activities in a public place Video surveillance activities in a public place - June 15, 2001 PIPEDA... company in question had mounted, on the roof of its office building, four video cameras aimed...

Date of findings:

Showing items 351 through 360 of 361.

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