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Video  -  Published

...Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video: Raise your privacy concern with a business Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video: Protect your privacy on wearable devices Video...

Video  -  Published

...Video: Protect your personal information Video: Protect your personal information Video...

Publication  -  Published

...Breach video series for your business Breach video series for your business Breach video series... reporting of privacy breaches, you are in the right place.This video series on breach... can help. There is guidance on this and much more at A short video introduction designed...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...of privacy in the digital age. The article, by the noted American legal scholar Jeffrey Rosen..., we also didn’t tweet on Twitter, share our photos and videos on Flickr and YouTube, tour neighbourhoods.... The international picture is increasingly critical to protecting privacy here in Canada. In today’s wired...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...card with biometric identifiers; and the government support of police video surveillance of public..., how we pay for our tickets, even including our credit card numbers, what seats we select on the plane... from our travel patterns. Bill C-17, the Public Safety Act, will introduce a requirement that we, in effect...

Advice to Parliament  -  Published

...under Bill C-51, the Anti-terrorism Act, 2015.  I am joined today by Patricia Kosseim, Senior General Counsel, and Steven Morgan, Director General of Audit and Review. When Bill C-51 was introduced in Parliament in early 2015, I expressed strong reservations which remain true today. In my remarks...

Report to Parliament  -  Published Bill S-4, the Digital Privacy Act, which seeks to implement mandatory breach notification. By obliging.... Mandatory notification will also provide a clearer picture of the frequency and type of data breaches... Commissioner’s remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights, October 2, 2014 “Bill S-201...

Report to Parliament  -  Published, passports, clothing, currency notes, vehicles, tires, pass cards and just about... that provincial or territorial legislation be found substantially similar. The notice states... in the Canada Gazette notice — the presence of the ten principles found in Schedule 1 of PIPEDA...

Report to Parliament  -  Published

...According to the preliminary PIA, a deliberate decision was made to not post signs notifying individuals of video...? Who imagined video cameras would scrutinize people innocently going about their daily lives... have unearthed cases of denial of access or improper collection or disclosure. A 2008 audit found...

Showing items 341 through 350 of 361.

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